Tuesday, November 1, 2011

In Somalia, another young Muslim who was raised in the United States has blown up himself and several others, 10 in this case

The latest Somali bomber has been identified as Abdisalan Hussein Ali, an immigrant who entered the United States at aged two. The young Muslim was known to the FBI as one of 20 Somali immigrants living in the United States to have joined an al-Qaida-linked militant group. Ali was a subject of Operation Rhino, an ongoing FBI investigation into Somali youth traveling from the United States to Somalia to fight for al-Shabab.


  1. Eleven dead Africans, hell that isn't enough to make me crack a smile.

  2. As long as they are not killing people in the United States, that's okay. These Somalis have no business being in this country anyway. Our national policy on immigrants should be: Just Say No To African And Hispanic Immigration.
