Thursday, December 8, 2011

White woman confronts black rapist

The white victim of a brutal sexual assault confronted her black attacker in court and told him: "I am not the victim, I'm the victor". Heidi Damon waived her right to anonymity to be allowed to be filmed in court unleashing her anger as her attacker African-American Javon Cooper was jailed for 15 years after attempting to kill and rape her. The 40 year old told the teen: "I just want to tell you — and I want you to look at me when I address you — I woke up ecstatic today, happier than ever. You know why? Because I'm alive. I'm alive, alive, alive. You have not broken my spirit. You have not changed my belief in God. If anything, you've strengthened both. I am not a victim. I am the victor, the stronger and the winner," Damon said defiantly in court. As Damon spoke, 18 year old Cooper shifted uncomfortably and tried to avert his gaze from his victim. Cooper had pleaded guilty to attempted murder and attempted sexual battery. He was 16 years old when pounced on Damon in a multi storey car park in Ybor City, Florida. Cooper choked Damon until she blacked out, and stripped her off her pants and underwear. Such was the force of the strangling Damon’s eyes turned red and she was covered in bruises. Damon was out of work for a year and still suffers from chronic headaches. Cooper was jailed for 15 years and ten years probation. The judge told him that he would have liked to lock him up for life.

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