Saturday, January 14, 2012

A black actor who starred in the latest film adaptation of Wuthering Heights has admitted to racially abusing his former girlfriend

James Howson became the first black actor to play Emily Bronte's Heathcliff when the film was released in 2011. Leeds magistrates heard that he shouted racist threats at his ex-partner after their three-year relationship ended. Howson, 24, of Haslewood Close, Leeds, admitted to racially aggravated harassment. The court heard how Howson's relationship with Shakira Ramdihal turned sour when she became pregnant. On November 18, 2011 he went to her family home in Chapeltown, banged on a window and shouted racist threats to kill her.


  1. What is so upside-down about the world we live in?

    It is the "racist" part of his tirade that grabs headlines, not the "I will kill you" part.

    I guess if he had just promised murder without letting race enter into it, it would have been all cool?

  2. You bring up a good point, Dan. Most hate crime legislation seems to be based on the belief that racism is worse than violent behavior.

  3. I hope Emma West is reading this.
