Thursday, January 26, 2012

A black pro wrestler called "Gangsta of Love" who knowingly had sex with numerous women and didn't tell them about his HIV-positive status has been sentenced to 32 years in prison

Before he was sentenced, Andre Davis insisted to Common Pleas Court Judge Jerome Metz Jr. that he genuinely cares about people, including his numerous sex partners. But Assistant Hamilton County Prosecutor Amy Tranter convinced Metz that Davis was a narcissistic sex addict who cared about only himself, traveling around the country as a professional wrestler while having sex with up to 350 women. Metz eventually determined that Davis deserved 32 years in prison for not telling 11 of the women he had sex with that he was HIV-positive. In November 2011, a jury convicted Davis of 14 of the 15 felonious assault charges against him. Ohio law requires those who are positive for the virus that can cause AIDS to inform sex partners of their status. In many cases, Davis didn't inform his partners. In some, they asked and he lied. Davis, a father of five, also wrestled under the names "Sweet Sexy Sensation," "Andre Hart" and "Andre Heart," and faces similar charges in two other Ohio counties.


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  2. 350 women!! HIV-positive!! Gangsta of Love!!

    Well he did have his title right.

  3. "350 women!! HIV-positive!! Gangsta of Love!!

    Well he did have his title right."

    And they can't say they weren't warned. It's a satisfactory resolution all around. Hard to see the downside, here.
