Saturday, February 4, 2012

According to the Household Survey, 847,000 jobs were added in January 2012 - 96% of those jobs went to Hispanics although they are only 15% of the workforce

In January 2012, Hispanic employment grew 131 times faster than non-Hispanic employment. The brutal explanation: Hispanics, immigrant and native-born, are systematically more willing to work for less money. An analysis of the Household Survey indicates that 414,000, or 49%, of January 2012’s new jobs went to immigrants. That is more than three times their share of the labor force (16%). At this rate, immigrant employment will double in just 39 months, while native-born employment will take 196 months to double. That’s 16 years. Since Obama took office immigrant employment rose by 6.6% while native-born employment declined by 1.7%

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