Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Muslim cable channel has been dropped by Verizon a year after the owner of the station was given life in prison for beheading his wife at their TV studio

Bridges TV will go off air on March 14, 2012 almost a year to the day after the channel's owner Muzzammil Hassan, 47, was jailed for the brutal murder of his wife Aasiya, who was also the station manager. Hassan had told her abusive husband that she was leaving him in 2009 and asked for a divorce. Six days later he lured her to their office in Buffalo, New York where he stabbed her 40 times and hacked off her head with two hunting knives. The couple had two children Danyal, nine and seven-year-old Rania. Hassan, a former banker, was convicted of second-degree murder in 2011 for stabbing and beheading his 37-year-old wife. He received the maximum sentence of 25 years to life in jail. The Verizon network claimed that dropping the channel was unrelated to the brutal murder, putting the decision down to low viewership figures.

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