Saturday, April 14, 2012

Trayvon Martin and Robert Champion

Darryl E. Owens looks at racial hypocrisy in the black community:
In the weeks after a 17-year-old black boy was found dead in a gated Sanford neighborhood, outraged blacks took to the streets, insisting police arrest the Hispanic shooter, George Zimmerman.

The chorus thundered: Justice for Trayvon! I am Trayvon! We are Trayvon!

Three months earlier, down the road a piece, another young black man lay dying on a tour bus after taking a beating from people with faces like his, faces he knew all too well.

Trayvon's death stoked deafening indignation. Response to the homicide of Robert Champion, the Florida A&M drum major, has been decidedly more muted.

Three months later, no one's been charged in Champion's hazing homicide. And yet, no viral demands for arrests. No online petition. No T-shirts. No Justice for Robert! I am Robert! We are Robert!

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