Sunday, May 20, 2012

African homosexuals who flee persecution in their own countries are abducted, beaten and raped in the places where they seek asylum, a study of Kenya and Uganda has found

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people are among the most vulnerable and isolated of all refugees, according to the report by watchdog Human Rights First. This is especially true in places where they are at heightened risk owing to violent attacks, discrimination and laws that criminalize same-sex relations. Human Rights First examined the plight of LGBTI refugees in Kenya and Uganda, two countries where homosexuality is illegal. Some examples of violence include two refugee women in Uganda who were abducted and raped in 2010 because they had been assisting LGBTI refugees; a gay male refugee in Uganda who was locked in his home and a group of refugees tried to burn him alive in November 2011; five cases of "corrective rape" of lesbian or transgender male refugees in Uganda were reported between June and November 2011; and a gay Somali teenager in Kenya who was doused in gasoline in 2010 and would have been set on fire by a crowd of Somali teenagers in Eastleigh, Nairobi, if not for the intervention of an older Somali woman. A conviction in Kenya for consensual sexual conduct between men carries a five-year jail sentence.

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