Wednesday, May 30, 2012

An Asian father has pleaded guilty to child endangerment after abandoning his 16-year-old daughter outside a mall over a poor grade at school

Telling his daughter to pack her bags and get in the car, Tuan Huynh, 47, said that she could not return home after no longer meeting her family's expectations according to police in Philadelphia. The girl wandered for hours outside the Cheltenham Square Mall, 13 miles from her home, before being approached by a minister. According to court documents, police said that they were already on their way to the location after hearing reports of a girl asking strangers for a place to stay. Upon their inquiry the girl refused to tell them her real name. She said that she was instructed not to tell the police who she was according to the arrest affidavit. She didn’t know where she was since she had never been to the area before. She’s lucky that somebody didn’t grab her and abduct her. An aspiring pianist, it was through sheet music found in her bag with her name on it - mixed with a blanket and a change of clothes - that revealed her identity. She later told police that it was a poor grade on a calculus test that lead to her eviction from her home. Her father has been sentenced to two years of probation and 100 hours of community service, escaping a maximum sentence of five years in jail. He was also ordered to take parenting classes before permitted to return home. The father has expressed no remorse for what he did and has said that he's free to parent his child how he chooses.


  1. Good for him. The government needs to stay out of families private decisions about how to discipline their kids.

  2. You actually think it is a good idea for parents to abandon their children?
