Saturday, May 5, 2012

How many Christians are on Israel’s Supreme Court?

Probably zero. So why do Jews, about 2% of the population, make up a third of the highest court in the United States?


  1. It's likely 4 of 9 "justices" are jews. Sotomayor is likely a Sephardic crypto-jew. One thing's for sure; she's anti-White.


  2. 1/3rd of democrat funding comes from them, so they make up a large percentage of appointments to truly important areas(look at the fed appointments as well). It is simply a return on investment(on our government).

  3. The American Israeli Supreme Court is composed of 1/3 jews. There's the lesbo Kagan, there's Ginsburg, and Brier. I know Israel's proud not to mention the three, four percent of the US population that's jew. In this country anything is possible as long as it's not White.
