Friday, May 25, 2012

In Texas, nearly 7 in 10 people under age 1 were minorities as of July 2011, a slight increase from 2010

Texas became a majority-minority state in 2004, and in 2010, Hispanics accounted for 65% of the state's growth since 2000. Hispanics are the nation's largest minority group in 2011, at 52 million. They also were the fastest growing; their numbers increased 3.1% since 2010, and Hispanics now constitute 16.7% of the U.S. population. African-Americans were the second largest minority group, at 43.9 million. At 18.2 million, Asians were the second fastest-growing minority group, with a 3% increase since 2010. The nation's population younger than age 5 was 49.7% minority in 2011, up from 49% in 2010.

1 comment:

  1. How many of those births are border crossers vs. state resident?
