Thursday, May 3, 2012

Israel Police: Unemployed African refugees turning Tel Aviv beaches into high crime spots

Youth gangs from the community of Sudanese and Eritrean refugees have been swamping Tel Aviv beaches and stealing bathers' belongings, according to police. Most of the thefts have occurred on Tel Aviv's major beaches. Authorities attribute the thefts to the increase in the number of refugees who have come to the city, and the lack of employment opportunities for them. Police say that the stolen goods and money are sufficient for a day's existence; they expect more such incidents to occur. Eritrean and Sudanese refugees start arriving at the beach at noon, say police, especially to the strip between Jerusalem Beach and Mezizim/Peepers' Beach. Some try to find day-labor jobs in the morning, but some who fail try to earn their daily keep by preying on beach-goers instead. Police say that small groups composed of up to five refugees roam the beach looking for easy pickings. Young lovers or teens in the water are the preferred targets, but the main goal is to find a bag or something else lying around that is easy to grab and then sell at the city's Central Bus Station. In 2011, 88 suspects were arrested for property theft on beaches in central Tel Aviv. In 2012, the police expect that figure to double. Recently, 11 Sudanese and Eritrean refugees have been arrested on the city's beaches. In one incident, a policeman and a policewoman who happened to be relaxing at the beach spotted a group of Eritrean youths approaching, and went into the water. One of the group members fell for the ploy and stole the bag. An undercover police officer nearby arrested him and the friend who'd served as the lookout. In recent months, crime involving Sudanese and Eritrean refugees has increased by many dozens of percentage points, with a steep spike in property crimes, as well as an increase in violent crimes and sexual assaults. A major problem in combating the phenomenon is the fact that it is almost impossible to punish the thieves, either because of language limitations or lack of identification means. By the next day, those arrested are often back on the beach.

1 comment:

  1. No way to punish them? They're back on the street the next day? WTF?
    Why don't they just shoot them? It will come to that eventually, I suspect. If the police won't do it, sooner or later someone else will.
    Seriously, anyone caught stealing like that should at least be kept in custody until they can be properly identified. Then they should be deported.
