Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jewish-Zionist commentator Debbie Schlussel claims that she has become the victim of what she calls a “cyberpogrom from Poland” after writing about the Polish role in alleged anti-Jewish atrocities committed during World War Two

The so-called “cyberpogrom” knocked Schlussel’s website offline for several days, and many are still having problems accessing it. In an article detailing the attack, the Jewish-Zionist claims to have gotten thousands of vile, highly "anti-Semitic" death and rape threats and e-mails, tweets, and Facebook comments from Poles furious at her column claiming Polish complicity during the Holocaust. “The Poles were complicit with the Nazis in silencing Jews during the Holocaust,” she claims. “They will not silence this Jew.” Schlussel, like many Jews, likes to pick fights with gentiles and then starts whining about "anti-Semitism" when the gentiles fight back.

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