Monday, June 11, 2012

A new study shows that children raised by same-sex couples are more likely to have social, psychological and physical problems as adults

The research, conducted by the University of Texas at Austin, showed that those whose parents entered into a same-sex relationship at some point during their childhood, fared worse as adults. The study looked at nearly 3,000 Americans aged between 18-39. Of that number, 163 said that their mother had been in a same-sex relationship and 73 revealed that their father had done the same. Those children were found to be more likely to require welfare benefits, have a history of depression, be less educated and report sexual abuse. The study is the largest random sample of young adults with at least one same-sex parent, to date. It included 919 adults raised by their biological, still-married parents and more than 800 adults who came from single-parent families plus children from divorced parents, stepparents and adopted families.

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