Wednesday, July 11, 2012

An African-American serial rapist is behind bars for sexually assaulting three women and more charges could be added

The investigation started after a woman reported that she was raped and over the course of a month, the black suspect, Jerry Bonhomme, was identified. During the investigation, a Santa Barbara Police detective uncovered more unreported rapes. All of them involved alcohol and Bonhomme. So far, three victims have come forward, detailing similar rapes stemming back to 2009 where 30-year-old Bonhomme sexually assaulted them while they were drunk. He would offer to give the women a ride after they had too much to drink but instead of driving them home, he would drive them back to his house. In the case of the latest victim, video surveillance at EOS Lounge on Anacapa Street helped police identify their suspect. Bonhomme also targeted his own group of friends but none of them went to the police. “There's been pressure within that group of friends to not report Mr. Bonhomme or not cry rape about one of their friends but I think we're starting to see a shift in some of the people we contact there, because they're realizing this isn't a one time misunderstanding when two people are intoxicated but that Mr. Bonhomme has an intentional pattern of being a predator,” said Detective Larson. One of the rapes happened to a woman who was sleeping next to her boyfriend in Bonhomme’s bed after they accepted a ride home from a party. She woke up to Bonhomme sexually assaulting her. The victim initially thought about reporting the rape, but was pressured not to do so by mutual friends. Police are investigating at least two other possible assaults and are calling Bonhomme a serial rapist.

1 comment:

  1. I have no compassion for White women that accept rides from blacks. With all of the evidence available to them describing the charactoristics of blacks they are just plain stupid or maybe really are "axing fo it" Idiots, all of em.
