Thursday, July 12, 2012

A new Quinnipiac poll shows Obama getting support from just 29% of non-college-educated white men

An ABC/Washington Post survey shows Obama drawing support from just 28% of non-college-educated white men. Romney is supported by 56% of the non-college-educated white men in Quinnipiac and 65% in the ABC/Washington Post survey. No one expects Obama to win these blue-collar men, who are now among the most reliably Republican segments of the electorate. But even so, these numbers, if sustained through Election Day, would represent a modern nadir for Democrats. Since 1980, the worst performance for any Democratic nominee among these working-class white men was the 31% Walter Mondale managed against Ronald Reagan in 1984; the meager 39% Obama drew in 2008 was actually the party's best showing over that period. These new surveys show Obama that these non-college white men represent Obama's largest source of decline in the white electorate since 2008. Obama is also facing weak numbers among working-class white women. The Quinnipiac Poll shows him drawing just 37% of white women without a college education, and the ABC/Post poll puts him at 40% with those women.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I would count such "White" men as WIGGERS with a serious racial identity crisis.
