Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Romney leads by eight points among men; Obama leads by five points among women

Fifty-four percent of registered voters cite the economy and jobs as "extremely" important in their presidential vote, more than any other issue. Here Romney has the edge: 49% of registered voters say that he would do a better job handling the economy and jobs, while 41% cite Obama. Romney is also seen as better on the federal budget deficit (50% to 36%), taxes (47%to 42%) and illegal immigration (46% to 38%). Only 28% believe that Obama has fulfilled his promise to deliver positive change for the country. Fifty-eight percent say that he has not delivered change, while 7% say that he has delivered change that has been bad for the country. Obama's overall approval rating stands at 44%, with 46% disapproving. His approval rating on the economy is just 39% - 55% disapprove - and his approval rating on foreign policy is 41%. Seven in ten Americans say that the economy is in bad shape. While 24% say it is getting better, 30% say that it is getting worse. Two in five Americans say that they are very concerned someone in their household will lose their job.

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