Monday, July 9, 2012

Somewhere between a quarter and a third of U.S. workforce growth currently comes from immigration

While the official unemployment rate in June 2012 remained at 8.2%. The more meaningful jobless rate, which includes people too discouraged to look for work plus those involuntarily working part-time, edged up to 14.9% from 14.8% in May 21012. In Obama’s first month in office - January 2009 — native-born workers held 84.8% of all U.S. jobs. In June 2012, the native-born share slipped to 83.9% — a seemingly modest loss, until you apply those percentages to the 142.4 million plus individuals working in the United States. From January 2009 to June 2012 immigrant employment rose by 1.212 million, or by 5.6%. Over the same period native-born employment fell by 1.02 million, or by 0.8%. The foreign-born population of working age continues to increase more than twice as fast as the comparable native-born population — 2.7% versus 1.3% over the past 12 months. Obama’s notorious Administrative Amnesty enacting the Dream Act will unleash some one million immigrant graduates into the workforce. This can only exacerbate this gap between foreign-born and native-born workforce growth rates.
Related: The Collapsing US Economy And The End Of The World

1 comment:

  1. the children of previous immigrants should also be counted there when judging the impact immigration has had.
