Sunday, July 1, 2012

The unemployment rate among Hispanics has increased from 7.7% in June 2008 to 11% In May 2012

In May 2012, a total of 2.7 million Hispanics were unemployed.


  1. Their employment rate will drop to zero once african and asian chain migration get in gear.

  2. If Hispanic unemployment is on the rise, why do we need more Hispanic immigrants? Do we really need more Hispanics to do the jobs that other Hispanics apparently won't do?

  3. "If Hispanic unemployment is on the rise, why do we need more Hispanic immigrants? Do we really need more Hispanics to do the jobs that other Hispanics apparently won't do?" - To drive wages even lower. Unfortunately too many Americans still live far enough away from it that they can pretend that they aren't being harmed by it(the data shows otherwise).

  4. What America is getting is more muslims to do the work of getting more muslims into America to do the work of getting more muslims into America to totally take over the damn country and our own damned government is responsible for it. Note that almost all muslim import "refugees" are male between 18-35 years of age, I call that an invading army.
