Saturday, August 25, 2012

A black male porn star is to blame for the syphilis outbreak that has closed down the adult film industry in Los Angeles

After Mr Marcus contracted the bacterial infection on set, he altered his syphilis-positive test so he could continue performing. The 18-year veteran black actor’s admission came after the industry’s self-imposed 10 day moratorium which has seen more than 1,000 performers in the Los Angeles area get tested and administered preventative antibiotics. At least nine porn stars have revealed that they have contracted syphilis. The number of syphilis cases in California has jumped 18% according to a recent report from the California Department of Public Health. The results showed that a much higher rate of men had contracted the infection and that African Americans were affected more than any other racial demographic.


  1. "is to blame" Shouldn't that be "has been charged with endangering the life".

  2. Hahaha! He enriched them all.

  3. Syphilis is very popular in the black community, and I suspected it was a black actor spreading the love.

  4. From what I've heard most STDs are more common in blacks than in other groups. Why do they have blacks in porn? That's just asking for trouble.

  5. its probably because black are more sexually active which increases the odds....if other races had large dick like our they would want to use them more also lol

  6. Maybe blacks should use their brains more and their dicks less? Just a suggestion.

  7. Interesting.. a Black male porn star who is famous for Interracial porn shoots, which means he has sex with white women as a career, gets infected with the same disease that killed off 50% of the Native American population and its the Black man's fault ? Just like slavery is the Black man's fault. And since there are 9 other, unknown syphilis infected persons in porn.. we can assume they are white.. becuase the story would have said 9 Blacks infecting the porn industry. .. but it doesn't... The real story is that 9 Whites have syphilis and have been spreading it in the adult industry that is still segregated and more than likely, have no direct links to any Black performer !

  8. The real story is that 9 Whites have syphilis and have been spreading it in the adult industry that is still segregated and more than likely, have no direct links to any Black performer !

    Ah yes, once again blacks try to pin their problems on whites. And slavery is the fault of blacks since they were the ones selling their fellow Africans into slavery.

  9. I was fired from the company for sharing information with ghe press, the truth is thar ghe black actor that we are speaking of contracted the std from a white female whk was new to the industry, she was not sighned to a contract at the time, so she could not be named without backlash, so the black guy was next in line to blame, he spreaded it bc he needdd to make movies to make money, their you have it. And porn couldnt exist with out black male penis, and black female booty, just think about it, flat booty and small penis, equals no money
