Monday, August 20, 2012

Is this really a hate crime or just another example of the NYPD pandering to Muslims?

Police are investigating an unusual "bias crime" on Staten Island. Muslims who gathered for prayer to celebrate the end of Ramadan in a city park found bacon scattered on the ground. With Ramadan just ending, Muslims celebrated the end of fasting with prayer. On Staten Island an outdoor service was held on a New Dorp football field, attracting some 1,500 Muslims. But before most of the faithful arrived for Morning Prayer, it was discovered that someone had scattered a quantity of raw bacon on the field. “This has been determined to be a bias event on the part of our Hate Crimes Task Force,” NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly said. “On a website associated with this celebration was some derogatory comments and at the site itself, three packages of raw bacon were found,” Kelly added. Followers of Islam are forbidden to eat pork. Even before the bacon was located, someone left offensive messages on the organization’s website. “…That he or she was going to do something with a fat pig right at the time of morning prayer,” said Hesham El-Meligy of the Islamic Civic Association of Staten Island. “The statement came from someone who identified himself as ’007Midland,’” Kelly said. “Obviously, we’re conducting an investigation to determine who put the message on the website.” Personally, I think we would be a lot better off if the NYPD ignored nonsense like this and instead spent more time going after real criminals such as Muslim terrorists.

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