Saturday, October 6, 2012

Portuguese gay male model Renato Seabra cut off lover’s testicles and wore them on his wrists, his lawyer says

Renato Seabra, a gay Portuguese model, is on trial on charges that he castrated and killed Portuguese TV personality Carlos Castro. He used his lover's testicles as a talisman. Renato Seabra, a gay Portuguese male model, said that he was so tortured by his May-December romance with Carlos Castro that he beat him to death, castrated him with a corkscrew, then wore the dead man's manhood on his arms to harness what he believed was its healing powers, his defense lawyer said at the opening of the murder trial. “He put one on each wrist," said lawyer Rubin Sinins said. "He did this for his protection. He could also harness the power. He wandered the streets of Manhattan, touching people, because he had the power to cure people from AIDS, because he had the power to cure them." Seabra, 21, killed his 65-year-old lover — a noted Portuguese society journalist and gay activist — in a sudden psychotic onset, said the lawyer. "He willingly told police. He wanted to explain why he killed Mr. Castro, because he thought what he had done was right." Sinins asked the jury to return a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity, with the possibility of being committed to a psychiatric facility.

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