Wednesday, December 26, 2012

If you're angry, for the benefit of your health, you need to let it all out, according to a new study that revealed that being hot-tempered and expressing your anger could be a key to enjoying a long and healthy life

Researchers Marcus Mund and Kristin Mitte at the University of Jena in Germany say that the latest findings may explain why the hotheaded Italians and Spanish live almost two years longer than the cool English who keep calm and carry on. They found that exhibiting self-restraint and holding back negative emotions could have serious repercussions for a person's physical and mental well-being. After analyzing more than 6,000 patients, Mund and Mitte found that people who internalized their anxiety suffered from an elevated pulse. Researchers say that over time, raised pulse can result in high blood pressure and increase a person's risk of developing a wide range of conditions from heart disease to cancer, kidney damage and more. The new study reveals that a group of so-called repressors are particularly at risk. "These people are distinguished by the way that they attempt to conceal outward signs of fear, and also by their defensive behavior," Mund said. "They avoid risks and always seek a high level of control over themselves and their surroundings," he explained. "For instance, when exposed to a stressful task they exhibit a higher heart rate and pulse ratio than non-repressors and show other objective signs of stress and anxiety." However, it's not all bad news for those who tend to be calm and collected. Researchers found that while repressors are at risk for developing certain illnesses, they have faster rates of recovering from a range of conditions because they are more disciplined and more motivated to adapt their lifestyles. "Because of their need for control, repressors are very disciplined and more motivated to adapt their lifestyles," Mund explained.

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