Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A 70-year-old man in Saudi Arabia is disputing claims that his new bride is 15 years old, and says that her family has ripped him off for the large dowry he paid for the union

Human rights workers say that the bride is a teenager and are outraged about the situation. The man said that he paid a dowry to the girl's parents for the equivalent of $20,000. The marriage came to light when the man complained to a local official after his new wife left him, saying that the girl's family had taken her back and he'd been ripped off. He also claimed that he thought she was 25 years old. In Saudi Arabia, there is no law that stipulates a minimum age for marriage. Human rights workers say that they believe there was a fight between the teen and the man, and that she ran back to her family. Her father is believed to be Yemeni, her mother Saudi, the rights workers said.

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