Friday, January 18, 2013

Muslim crime in Britain: A 12-year-old girl was branded with the initial of a sex gang member and forced to have an abortion with a large crochet hook

Mohammed Karrar, 38, pushed a metal hair clip he had shaped into an ‘M’ and heated with a cigarette lighter onto her buttock. The child, a carer for her deaf parents, was abused by Karrar and his brother Bassam, 33, between the ages of 11 and 15. A jury heard the girl, who is the youngest of six victims, describe the brothers as the sick sex monsters. The court heard that she had been attacked with knives and a metal baseball bat before being raped. Mohammed Karrar was accused of branding the girl to show he owned her. Prosecutor Noel Lucas QC said: “He told her he wanted people to know she belonged to him.” The Karrar brothers are among nine men who stand accused of charges including raping, torturing and pimping out the vulnerable underage girls who were plied with booze and drugs. They are said to have subjected the 11 to 15-year-olds to a living hell over eight years of abuse from 2004. A jury has heard that the girl was aged just 11 when she was sold in 2004 by an unidentified man to Mohammed Karrar. After a “nicey-nicey honeymoon period” of being lavished with gifts, she was plied with hard drugs. He then pimped her out in her own living room where she was regularly bound and gagged before being gang-raped. Mohammed Karrar got the girl, now 19, pregnant just after her 12th birthday and took her for an illegal abortion in a room at the back of a house in Reading. Lucas said: “She saw instruments laid out. She was given a couple of pills and saw what looked like a large crochet hook, which was used to undertake the procedure.” This type of illegal abortion can cause death. On one occasion she tried to fight him off so he knocked her out with a metal baseball bat before raping her with it. The jury was told that he thought he could get away with anything because her parents were deaf and had learning difficulties. Bassam Karrar also gang-raped her and, along with his brother, went on to charge punters £500 for regular sex and £600 for bondage sessions, the court heard. The abuse continued until 2009 when she was 15. The nine men of Egyptian and Pakistani descent face 51 charges relating to the abuse between May 2004 and January 2012.

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