Saturday, February 23, 2013

Black-on-Hispanic crime: Plano Police and volunteers hit the streets to alert residents to a string of violent attacks that are targeting Hispanic men

Detective Daniel Caballero and Sergeant Lindy Privett went to Plano markets and bazaars carrying a warning in Spanish, that Hispanic men walking alone have been targeted and violently robbed. Police say that there have been five attacks in recent months. A group of two or three young black men beat up the victims and took their money. In the last robbery, the violence escalated. A mentally challenged man — Isais Vasquez was beaten with a shovel or ax handle. It took 14-stitches to close his wound.


  1. Das rayciss Duh'tectiv Caballero!!!!!!!!

  2. Would be nice if white cops would do the same, hitting the streets warning us white Americans of all the crimes "targeted" against us.

    White Americans need to watch out for one another,white cops and white non-cops alike. We're really lousy at it, to say the least. Joe

  3. I could tell you of two incidents by White cops who ignored my complaints about blacks against me.

  4. @anon 7:12pm 2-23: All we get are whites like Tulsa mayor blaming poverty and out of town landlords. We are nothing less than doomed. There is a story in The Sun (linked today at Drudge) of a little white boy in England who committed suiciide because he was being bullied for being white.

  5. Blacks are starting to gain demographically against hispanics around here, so I suppose that would be the logical consequence of that.
