Monday, March 18, 2013

Britain: An African war criminal from Sudan who belonged to a brutal militia that killed thousands of people is living rent-free in a large house in the Midlands

Mohamed Salim, 27, confessed that he was a member of the militia that wiped out entire villages. But although his confession brought him to the attention of the Border Agency's war crimes unit, he has not been removed from Britain because it would infringe his human rights. Speaking outside his home in Birmingham, Salim said: "I came here because I listened to friends who said it was good to live here and claim asylum here. I don’t pay to live in this house.” In Sudan, Salim was a member of the Janjaweed militia and was paid the equivalent of £50 a day by the Government to take part in the genocide in Darfur. Now he is living in a semi-detached house which he is able to live in rent-free thanks to the National Asylum Support Service, a Home Office-affiliated agency. He is unable to work because of the terms of his asylum and receives £160 a week. He also attends a college, where he learns English for free. The Border Agency says that he is required to report to the Home office but Salim claims that he has no contact with officials. In 2012, a court ruling said that he could not be deported to Sudan because his life could be at risk if he returned. He was then granted asylum under the Human Rights Act.


  1. Get this SOB parasite on the next boat back to where he came from.


    The problem is:

    AFrica for Africans, ASia for ASians, White Countries for EVeryone.

    HELL NO.

  2. Why did the British let this scumbag into the country in the first place?
