Monday, May 13, 2013

Financial crisis in a black city: The Detroit city government is weeks away from running out of the cash it needs to operate, according to an initial report from the emergency manager overseeing its finances

The report from Kevyn Orr, the bankruptcy attorney appointed by the state in March 2013, lays out a bleak financial position for the city. "The city has effectively exhausted its ability to borrow," he writes in the report, adding that the city "is clearly insolvent." To avoid running out of cash before the end of its fiscal year on June 30, 2013 it must "defer payments on its current obligations," including more than $100 million in pension payments that are due. "No one should underestimate the severity of the financial crisis," Orr said in a statement. "The path Detroit has followed for more than 40 years is unsustainable and only a complete restructuring of the city's finances and operations will allow Detroit to regain its footing." Detroit is struggling under at least $15 billion in debt, due to years of borrowing to pay its bills as tax revenues plummeted. The population of the city has fallen by nearly 30% since 2012, and there are currently over 100,000 vacant lots and buildings. Together, this has meant a drastic drop in revenue from both income and property taxes. Detroit is struggling to come up with annual debt payments of about $246 million, which eat up almost 20% of the its general fund budget. Orr is considering changes in health care coverage for government employees and retirees, as well as in its pension plans. He's also looking at further changes in pay rates and staffing, on top of the layoffs and 10% pay cut that have already been implemented. The city's unemployment rate has fallen in recent years with a rebound in the auto industry, but at 18.3% it is still nearly triple where it stood at in 2000 and more than double the national rate. One more reason why you should avoid living in a predominantly black city.


  1. The destruction of Detroit is not entirely the fault of blacks. Jewish Communists and other leftists played a giant role in destroying Detroit also.

    The blacks are pawns of the Jewish Communists in the US.

    And no, I don't want to live around blacks either if I have a say. Still, the destruction of Detroit has to do with a lot more than black dysfunction.

    Manning Johnson : Johnson was a black Communist -- a card carrying Communist. He saw clearly how the Communist top officials [ Jews} were using him as a pawn and a clown. He renounced Communism and went to speak honestly about how the Jews [ communists] use blacks as pawns.

    About the role of Communists, in other words, Jews, in the destruction of Detroit :

    "Commie Blaster + Destruction Of Detroit"

    More about blacks, Jews, Communists :

    Some blacks -- in fact a lot of blacks, more than whites -- know what the Jews are all about. Blacks know more about Jews than your average White because Jews owned the slave trade and most of the slave plantations were owned by Jews [ many pretending to be Christians ], so the blacks have an intimate knowledge of Jews. The Jews loved to race mix with "their" blacks. The blacks had no choice as they were held in slavery and bondage by the Jews.

    Jew Communists love to use their race-mixed sires as front-men.

    Some blacks -- though not friends exactly to the White Christian Race -- nonetheless, know what Jews are all about :

    Find out how Jews really treat blacks, what Jews really think about blacks, how Jews use blacks as pawns. Jews are the most racist people on the face of the earth.

    If my only choice in life was an all black neighborhood, or an all Jew neighborhood, I would choose the black neighborhood.

    At least, there's some honesty with blacks, and some decency, normal human beings.I worked in Harlem when I lived in NYC. The blacks treated me a lot better than any Jew ever did.

    With Jews, they're so cold, so unreal. Jews played a giant role in destroying Detroit-- and all of our urban areas.

    From : Joe

  2. If my only choice in life was an all black neighborhood, or an all Jew neighborhood, I would choose the black neighborhood.

    But what about the crime issue? I would rather live in an area where I had to worry about being swindled than in an area where I had to worry about being shot and killed.

  3. @Anonymous at 5:13 AM

    I grew up in the Bronx. I know how to defend myself.

    As far as crime is concerned :

    Jews commit more crimes against White Americans in 6 months than the blacks commit against White Americans in 60 years.

    Jewish crime against White America is White America's REAL problem.

    There would be NO black "problem" if the country wasn't swarming with Jews. The Jews are the Real Problem, not blacks.

    Search Terms :

    "First Light Forum + Jews Are Fake Buddies Of Blacks'

    "Jew Communists and Blacks"

    "Martin Luther King's Jewish Speech Writer"

    "Martin Luther King's Jewish Handler'

    Learn more about the history of how the Jews use blacks. The Jews have done great harm to blacks in the US. A great crime against the blacks, and a great crime against White America :

    And no, I'm not pushing Islam. I don't care for Islam, still the above article is very informative. It's truthful. It's not about Islam anyway. it's about the history of Jew abuses against black people.

    The blacks don't like White Americans because we don't stand up to the Jews. That' why they don't like us.

    The blacks are stuck between the Jews who do everything to destroy black neighborhoods, and white Americans with their heads up their asses, as we let the Jews get away with destroying the whole country.

    That's the real reason blacks don't like us, because white Americans let the Jews take-over the whole place. That's the Real reason blacks don't respect us.

    From : Joe
