Sunday, May 12, 2013

Israel: The son of a prominent rabbi used a racial slur to attack the government for not earmarking enough money for religious institutions

“If we’re talking about the sports budget, there is plenty of money to bring a few Cushim to play basketball, but when its a budget for synagogues or ritual baths, there’s nothing,” Rabbi David Yosef said, employing a Hebrew epithet for black people that is the local equivalent of the “n-word.” Yosef, the son of Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, made his remarks at a ceremony marking the opening of an large new ritual bath, or mikvah, in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neighborhood. David Yosef is the official rabbi of the mostly ultra-Orthodox neighborhood on the capital’s western edge.

1 comment:

  1. Well, a lot of Jews have Negro blood/DNA -- especially Donmeh Jews. Even the Jew Hitler had Negro blood/DNA :

    "Hitler Was A Jew Himself"

    Search Terms :

    " Sabbatean Jews + Nazis "

    " Sabbateans Satanism Nazis Zionism "

    "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers"

    "Hitler's Jewish Army"

    "Hitler's Muslim Legions"

    "Hitler + The Muslim Brotherhood"

    "Hitler Was A Jew Himself"

    "Jews and Schizophrenia"

    Jews and blacks have a "special relationship". I know that's true because the jew Bella Abzug told me so.

    Read what a former black Communist has to say about jews. Jews and communists are synonymous. Communism comes from the Jew's Talmud-Kabala :

    More about jews and blacks :

    Search Terms :

    "Uncovering The Kabala"

    "Jews + Communism + The Talmud"

    " Jews + Communism + The Talmud + Mass Murder"

    " Eustace Mullins + The Secret Holocaust PDF"

    For all of Mullin's books :

    "Eustace Mullins PDF"

    From : Joe
