Thursday, June 20, 2013

Jews and national suicide

Why do so many "conservatives" continue to ignore Jewish power and its negative effects on the well-being of white Americans?


  1. Because the "conservatives" are Mormons and Shriners, for the most part, and Mormons and Shriners are half-ass Jews to begin with. They always were, and always will be, amen.

    Mormons and Shriners are half-ass Donmeh Jews, to be more exact. Donmeh Jews worship Islam-Sufism. That's why Uncle Sam is supporting Al-Qaeda.

    Heck, that's why Uncle Sam/CIA started Al-Qaeda in the very first place.

    The Mormons/Shriners love the CIA and Al-Qaeda just as much as the Donmeh Jews who rule this country do.

    The CIA is crawling with Mormons and Shriners.

    That's why "conservatives" never mention the Jews. Most of the "conservatives" in the US are Mormons and Shriners, and Mormons and Shriners are half-ass Jews to begin with.

    From : Joe

  2. Well, then, kill them. After all if they're such a threat, get rid of 'em, right?

    Honestly, I'm tired of seeing the paranoid "Jews run X" thing when there are other variables involved.

  3. Because whites have been conditioned that to even acknowledge the existence of Jewish power is to be the worst kind of human being there is, a Nazi.

  4. Well, then, kill them. After all if they're such a threat, get rid of 'em, right?

    Good idea!

    Honestly, I'm tired of seeing the paranoid "Jews run X" thing when there are other variables involved.

    And what are those other variables?
