Saturday, July 20, 2013

Trayvon Martin and the Jews

Another great post from Tanstaafl.

1 comment:

  1. Tanstaafl's "Age-Of-Treason" is a very good website. Very informative website. Excellent article about Trayvon and the whole situation.

    Another good article about Obama, Jews, Communists, Trayvon,etc ;

    "President Obama : Trayvon Could've Been Me 35 Years Ago";

    The commentary thread is especially informative also as is the article. A lot of readers leave very good, solid info about Jews, Communists, Race-Hustlers, Obama, and Sanford :

    Article Dated : July 20th

    Also :

    "Al Sharpton's Justice Department".

    About how the Race Hustlers are turning Sanford into a giant issue :

    From : Armenius
