Saturday, July 13, 2013

Zimmerman case: The Special Prosecutor’s Office of Angela Corey has fired the IT specialist who blew the whistle on the prosecution’s concealment of evidence

State Attorney Angela Corey fired her office’s information technology director after he testified about being concerned that prosecutors did not turn over information to George Zimmerman’s defense team in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. On the same day that attorneys finished their closing arguments in the nationally watched trial, a state attorney investigator went to Ben Kruidbos’ home to hand-deliver a letter stating that Kruidbos “can never again be trusted to step foot in this office.”


  1. About Trayvon's father :

    From : Armenius

  2. Before all of this is over it's going to be Angela Corey who will never be trusted to set foot in that office again.
