Saturday, July 13, 2013


Will Angela Corey resign? Blacks are already threatening to kill Zimmerman on Twitter.


  1. The Hispanic is found not guilty, the blacks will most likely attack White Americans. Why don't they go attack Hispanics, Zimmerman is Hispanic?

    How come the blacks never get angry about all the Mexicans/Hispanics killing blacks every night across the US, especially in Los Angeles? How come Al Sharpton never gets "angry" about that?

    From : Joe

  2. How come Al Sharpton never gets "angry" about that?

    Because Hispanics don't give a damn about what blacks like or don't like. If blacks mess with hispanics the Mexican or whatever will do a number on blacks. Blacks don't mess with hispanics. Whatever, Trayvon Martin is still dead, dead, dead.

  3. @ Anonymous: July 14 at 10:36AM

    That was a very retarded reply to my first post. Where are you?

    Sounds like you're hanging out on the corner of Southern Blvd. and E149th Street in the Bronx with your lap-top and your Puerto Rican compadre gang.

    From : Joe

  4. @ Joe

    That Anonymous July 14 at 10:36AM who replied to your first post with a very inciteful and inflammatory comment about Trayvon being "dead dead dead" is NOT a Puerto Rican.

    "Anonymous" is a Jew. There were an extremely large number of Jews who turned the Sanford altercation into a giant White-Black racial issue. The Jews did everything they could to incite the blacks to riot and to go around and attack White Americans.

    The Jews wanted to start a Race War. "Anonymous" is a Jew. His reply was meant to hurt the feelings of the blacks and to get the blacks angry. To incite the Zimmerman/Trayvon altercation even more.

    The black readers come to Diversity Is Chaos, read his comment, they get their feelings hurt, they get angry : That was the purpose of "Anonymous'" reply. "Anonymous'" reply to you was disgusting.

    He wants the black readers who come here to think all of us Whites are happy Trayvon is "dead dead dead". Totally disgusting of "Anonymous". Very mean-spirited to the blacks -- and very unfair to us White Americans. "Anonymous" is a Jew, for sure.

    Even Zimmerman is a Jew. An Hispanic Jew. His father is a retired Federal Court Jew. His father is a Mizrahi Jew. Mizrahi Jews are Middle Eastern descent. They are NOT White.

    Shitloads of Jews in the mainstream media and shitloads of Jews in the so-called "alternative" media involved in taking an altercation between an Hispanic Jew and a black into a giant Black/White Christian American racial issue. "Anonymous" is yet another Jew online trying to incite racial hatred. Totally disgusting the way he replied to your first post.

    From : Armenius

  5. The black President Obama and his black Attorney General - Holder -- worked with the Mexican mob to run illegal weaponry into the United States :

    "Obama Operation Fast And Furious"

    The illegal weaponry went to arm Mexican criminal gangs in the Mid West [also Los Angeles]. The Mexican gangs the black Obama and the black Holder supplied with weaponry are killing blacks in LA, and in the Mid West, in record numbers.

    How come Al Sharpton and the so-called black "leaders" never get "angry" about that?

    Why are they so "angry" and so loud about the Zimmerman/Trayvon altercation -- a type of altercation that happens every night in cities across America between Hispanics and blacks -- yet remain totally silent that our black President and our black Attorney General supplied weapons to Mexican criminal gangs who are killing blacks down in record numbers?

    How come this doesn't make the news? Yet an altercation between an Hispanic Jew and a black in a town most people never heard of before -- Sanford - turns into a giant Black-White Christian American racial issue? And the father of the Hispanic Zimmerman is a US Federal Court Jew.

    And all the Jews in the mainstream media and all the Jews in the so-called online "alternative" media turn Sanford into a giant Black-White Christian Racial issue. So much so there's now threats of riots.

    Looks like the Jews wanted/want to start a race war. Just like that Jew "Anonymous" and his putrid Jew Communist comment about Trayvon.

    From : Salvatore

  6. There's a video going around the web about blacks rioting in Miami last night. The video is bullshit.

    The footage - the video -- is actually a video of the Vancouver hockey riots. The blacks DID NOT riot in Miami last night.

    "Rock The Truth" has more information :

    "Zimmerman Protests Fizzle"

    [ Article dated : Sunday July 14th, 2013]

    From : Armenius

  7. The Hispanic is found not guilty, the blacks will most likely attack White Americans. Why don't they go attack Hispanics, Zimmerman is Hispanic?

    Easy. Blacks are afraid of Hispanics.



  10. @ Luke Raines

    If the blacks are afraid of Hispanics it's because the blacks know Obama and Holder supplied the Mexican criminal gangs in the US with weaponry up-the-kazoo. They were never afraid of Hispanics before.

    Where I grew up, in the Bronx, the blacks were never afraid of fighting the Hispanics. Blacks and Hispanics fought all the time in the Bronx. The blacks were never afraid of Hispanics before.

    The blacks were afraid of the Italians. They never dared to walk into Italian neighborhoods, but the blacks always went into Hispanic neighborhoods to start trouble, and likewise the Hispanics would go into black neighborhoods to start trouble.

    You don't know what you're talking about Raines.

    From : Tony

  11. @ Tony

    The Hispanics would never dare to come into our neighborhoods either, they were always as afraid of us Italians as the blacks are.

    From : Vinny



  14. Obama said if he had a son his "son" would like Trayvon. What about all the other blacks killed every night across America? Why doesn't Obama weep tears for them?

    What about the blacks who get killed every night all across America at the hands of Hispanics and Mexicans -- Mexicans and Hispanics the black Obama himself supplied with weapons ? Are they not his "sons" also?

    Why doesn't Obama ever mention the huge number of assaults on White Americans and the extremely frequent killing of White Americans at the hands of his precious "sons"? Huge numbers of assaults -- and extremely high number of White Americans killed every year by blacks -- long before Sanford. Yet, there's no outcry about that from Obama or anyone on the left period.

    If Zimmerman had been black, no one in America would have even heard of the Sanford altercation. Obama's "sons" kill down Obama's "sons" every night in America in record numbers.

    I never hear anyone on the left cry about them, including the black Obama and his black Attorney General Eric Holder, the two who supplied criminal Mexican gangs in the US with weapons. Now the Mexicans are targeting and killing blacks with weapons the black Obama and black Holder supplied to the Mexicans.

    Yet, the blacks, nor anyone on the left, never cry and complain about that, and NEVER protest against the black Obama and the black Holder who supplied guns to the Mexican criminal gangs who are now killing blacks because Obama and Holder supplied the criminal Mexican gangs with weapons.

    From : Jimmy
