Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Report: Half of all U.S.-born white children younger than 17 lived in families with married parents, both of whom worked in 2008 to 2010, as did 33% of all U.S.-born Hispanic and 53% of U.S.-born Asian children

The report found the biggest discrepancy for U.S.-born African American children. Twenty-four percent lived in families with married, dual-income parents — about half the percentage of children of other racial and ethnic groups. Thirty-seven percent lived in families headed by never-married or previously married single mothers, in contrast to 10% of US.-born white children, 16% of U.S.-born Hispanic children and 5% of U.S.-born Asian children. And 15% of U.S.-born African American children, higher than any other racial or ethnic group, lived with grandparents.

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