Friday, January 24, 2014

Miscegenation and disease: Rates of HIV amongst white heterosexuals in Britain are rising because British women are having sex with African men and then passing the disease on to their husbands

In one case, a married man and woman were both infected by HIV along with their two young children. Upon investigation it was revealed that the woman had taken part in a humanitarian trip years earlier in sub Saharan Africa, having unprotected vaginal and anal sex with local men – infecting her husband a year later then subsequently infecting her two children through breast feeding. Popular female sex tourism destinations include the Caribbean, particularly Barbados and Jamaica and African countries such as Gambia, Senegal and Kenya. HIV infection figures suggest that condom use by the “beach boys” in the Caribbean region may be sporadic, yet female sex tourists do not appear at all preoccupied by the potential risks. Many women thinking that HIV is something that only happens to gay men and that given the unusual atmosphere and excitement of sex with an exotic man, condoms are rarely used or discussed before intercourse – and if anything are discouraged by western women.


  1. Think of it as evolution in action.

    She has likely just removed more stupid genes from the gene pool

  2. Any white person who sleeps with a black is complete and total white trash.

  3. It is more likely that she contracted AIDS from the anal sex than from the vaginal sex. Had she been just a little more careful she would not be such a horrible situation.

  4. She has likely just removed more stupid genes from the gene pool

    But what if she managed to pass on the disease to some intelligent white people?
