Sunday, October 5, 2014

A 22-year-old Colombian woman who went to the doctor with abdominal pains turned out to have a potato growing in her vagina — because she'd put it there as contraception

"My mom told me that if I didn’t want to get pregnant, I should put a potato up there, and I believed her," the woman said. The embarrassed patient, from the central Colombian town of Honda, says that she had inserted the potato about two weeks before the pain struck in her lower abdomen. Upon closer inspection, attending nurse Carolina Rojas found potato roots sticking out of the woman's vagina and even growing inside her. Luckily the potato was removed without surgery, and medical staff predicted no long-term physical effects, but Rojas blamed the mother for giving her daughter such bad advice.

1 comment:

  1. Bad advice? She didn't get pregnant and likely wouldn't(with the roots and all).
