Friday, May 1, 2015

Black-on-black crime in Baltimore: 3 of the 6 police officers charged in Freddie Gray's death are black

Three black and three white police officers have been charged in Freddie Gray's death from injuries he suffered while in police custody. State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby says that the officers repeatedly failed to get Gray medical treatment after his arrest. The police officers' union has said that they are not responsible for Gray's death. Officer Caesar Goodson was the driver of the van that transported Freddie Gray, and he faces the most serious charges. Mosby said that Goodson repeatedly failed - at least five times - to seat-belt Gray in the transport vehicle. Overall, Goodson faces six charges, including "second-degree depraved heart murder," which carries a potential 30-year sentence. Goodson, 45, has been on the force since 1999, and like two others charged in Gray's death is black. Let us all hope that Officer Goodson now realizes that black lives matter.


  1. Another dead "American" city. To hell with Baltimore.

  2. When you break the law and are a career criminal don't be surprise if things don't work out for you.

  3. It amuses me, in this dim-witted country, to hear these conservatives say that the problem with dead cities like Detroit and Baltimore is that they have been run by Democrats and liberals for decades. If only Republicans ran them. Yet Seattle, Portland, Austin, Minneapolis and others have been run by the left for decades and are successful and prosperous. Nobody will mention the elephant in the room-- negroes. Once a tipping point is reached... Hello, Port-au-Prince!

  4. "Yet Seattle, Portland, Austin, Minneapolis and others have been run by the left for decades and are successful and prosperous."

    I don't know where you have been but you certainly have not been in those cities lately. Pull your head out of the er... sand.
