Monday, July 6, 2015

Documents: Bill Cosby testified during a 2005 court case that he obtained Quualudes to drug women he sexually desired, and admitted to giving one woman and "other people" the sedative

Cosby was testifying in a lawsuit filed by former Temple University Andrea Constand when he admitted to drugging her with three half-pills of the drug Benadryl. Cosby settled with her for an undisclosed sum. Cosby's lawyer had fought against the release of these documents, saying that they would be "terribly embarrassing" for the comedian. "Frankly ... it would embarrass him, (and) it would also prejudice him in eyes of the jury pool in Massachusetts," his lawyer said, referring to a defamation lawsuit filed by three women against Cosby. More than two dozen women have accused Cosby of sexual misconduct, with many saying that he sedated them with drugs before raping them, but no criminal charges have been filed (the statues of limitations bars most of them). The 77-year-old comedian, who stepped down from Temple's board of trustees in December 2014, hasn't yet responded to the latest documents.

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