Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Just 10% of Washington DC students who took a new standardized Geometry test and 25% of students who took a new high school English test met proficiency standards designed to reflect whether they are on track to enter college or begin careers after graduation

Results also show a stark achievement gap, with 52% of white students scoring proficient or better on the Geometry test, compared to 8% of Hispanic students and 4% of black students. Eighty-two percent of white students met the college-ready target in English, compared to 25% of Hispanic students and 20% of black students.


  1. So then we can update an old joke

    Q:What's long and hard on a black male?
    A:The new standardized Geometry test.

  2. http://www.unz.com/isteve/the-gap-is-bigger-in-blue-states-than-red-states/

  3. http://www.unz.com/isteve/test-score-gaps-in-california-increasingly-driven-by-race-not-class/
