Saturday, July 16, 2016

ISIS killer Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel sent his family £84,000 just days before his Bastille Day atrocity, his brother said

The Islamic fanatic persuaded friends to smuggle the bundles of cash back to his family in their hometown of Msaken, Tunisia. Although Bouhlel had been sending small sums of money to his family, his brother admitted that they were stunned by the size of the "fortune". "Mohamed sent the family 240,000 Tunisian Dinars (£84,000) in the last few days," Jaber Bouhlel said. "He used to send us small sums of money regularly like most Tunisians working abroad. But then he sent us all that money, it was fortune. He sent the money illegally. He gave cash to people he knew who were returning to our village and asked them to give it to the family."

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