Saturday, September 23, 2017

Police have revealed what a black Muslim man said after beheading a co-worker in Oklahoma

Alton Nolen told police that he felt oppressed as a Muslim at the food plant by his co-workers, who he said teamed up against him. He spoke to them after being arrested for the attack. When the police asked him if he regretted his actions, he responded, “I don’t feel regret, because you know what I’ve done. That’s probably going to make Vaughan Foods a better place to work for a Muslim.” In September 2014, Nolen was suspended from his job at Vaughan Foods because a co-worker said that they had gotten into an argument after he said he didn’t like white people. Nolen returned with a knife, stabbed and beheaded 54-year-old Colleen Hufford, and attacked Traci Johnson, the woman who had issued the complaint about him. Authorities have presented as evidence in the trial that Nolen had a Koran and other “written scripture” in his apartment at the time of the attack. His Facebook page also had many signs of Islamic radicalization, including posts claiming, “Sharia Law is coming!!” and exhibiting pictures of beheadings and the Taliban. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty in the ongoing trial.

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