Friday, May 25, 2018

A black former Eastern Michigan University student who admitted to painting racist graffiti on campus has been ordered to pay more than $2,000 in restitution

Eddie Curlin, 29, has been sentenced after earlier pleading guilty to malicious destruction of property. He also pleaded no contest to unrelated counts of identity theft and must serve two-to-five years in prison on those charges. He was granted credit for 220 days served. Curlin, who was an EMU student from 2014 to early 2016, was accused of scrawling messages of hate on three separate occasions between the fall of 2016 and the spring of 2017. The first incident took place in September 2016 when the letters "KKK" - a reference to the Ku Klux Klan - and underneath in bold black "leave n*****s" was spray-painted on an exterior wall. The letters "KKK" were painted in red, white and blue. An October 2016 incident had the message "leave n*****s" again scrawled outside of a building, this one right next to the campus's monument to Martin Luther King. The third incident took place during Spring 2017 in which a racist message was found in a men's restroom stall in Sherzer Hall. University officials say that Curlin vandalized the buildings then acted as a police informant. Officials say that it was a pretense to help solve the case, have previous charges of receiving stolen property against him dropped and return to the school in Ypsilanti. After he was unmasked as the author of the racist graffiti, Curlin publicly admitted his guilt.


  1. “Jewish groups get most money from federal security grants”

    That negroid just made the jews a lot of money, but the jews probably knew about that all along, since they just have someone else usually do them.

    [2009] “In an event announcing $1.7 billion in Department of Homeland Security grants, Napolitano noted that 63 percent of nonprofit grant recipients were “affiliated with Jewish organizations.”

    [2010] “The following year, according to the Jewish Federations of North America, that number grew. In 2010, 94 percent of the department’s nonprofit security funding went to Jewish groups that are, in the words of the Department of Homeland Security, “at high risk of terrorist attack.”

  2. The jew’s false flags are very profitable to them. Not to mention all the anti-White type of publicity that they gave to it through all their fake jewish pity parties and the press. False flags are very profitable to jewry through money collected and advancement of their narratives. I'm sure this jew never made it back to the jewed "US".

    “U.S. Indicts Israeli-American Teen Hacker for Bomb Threats Against Jewish Centers”

    Michael Kadar, 19, has been indicted for hate crimes connected to threats against Jewish community centers, as well as threatening the Israeli embassy and cyberstalking, the U.S. Justice Department said on Wednesday.

    Kadar is awaiting trial in Israel, where he was arrested last year. U.S. and Israeli authorities have previously charged him with making thousands of threats, including to airports, schools and Jewish centers, in the United States in 2016 and early 2017.

    Kadar, who holds dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship, was indicted by grand juries in Florida, Georgia and the District of Columbia for making threats from January to March 2017, the Justice Department said in a statement.
    The statement did not say whether he would be extradited to the United States.

    Kadar is alleged to have telephoned the Anti-Defamation League with a bomb threat and making a bomb threat in an email to the Israeli embassy in Washington, both in March 2017, the Justice Department said.
