Saturday, August 4, 2018

Asians averaged 27.8% higher income than non-Hispanic whites in 2016, 109% higher than blacks, and 72% more than Hispanics

Does the fact that Asians do so well in the United States mean that we have a problem with Asian privilege? Or does it just mean that Asians are smarter and harder working than everyone else?


  1. If you take Whites out of the equation, the gulf between Asians and Mestizos/Blacks is even starker. Do Asians think that the "NAMs" will stay by their side in the future?

  2. I guess the way the Asians see it, whites are their greatest enemy and so they are not going to worry about blacks until whites are eliminated.

  3. The truth is that non-blacks accomplish at least ten times more than blacks. So who is underpaid?

  4. It's not that Asians are smarter and work harder. Hell,the USA wouldn't exist at all if it were not for HARDER WORKING WHITES and Smarter Whites since Whites invented most things worth mentioning and built this country.The problem is WHITES rather worship LOW IQ Black ghetto trash culture and follow low IQ Blacks to the bottom.Whites rather worship Black criminal rappers and FELON sports players than concentrate on WORKING HARD and EDUCATION.Whites are following and emulatiing Black trash and destroying themselves. Right to the bottom.
