Voltaire — To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Despite the uproar over Barack Obama’s support for Israel returning to its 1967 borders, pollster predicts that Obama won’t suffer significant losses of Jewish voters in 2012
John Zogby notes that Democrats traditionally enjoy a 75% of the Jewish vote. It will take more than a little friction with the current leadership of Israel to change that dynamic. “Israel is extremely important to American Jews. But so are traditional liberal stances, particularly on social issues." Zogby also predicts that the primary impact of Obama’s Middle East speech will be to generate “a bit more enthusiasm among liberal voters,” and Muslim voters. Zogby notes that Muslim voter sympathies shifted markedly during the presidency of George W. Bush. They broke 10-to-1 for the Democratic candidate, Sen. John Kerry. It is estimated that nearly 3 million Muslims reside in the United States. The latest Zogby poll shows that only 41% of voters believe that Obama deserves to be re-elected, and another 10% of voters say that they’re not sure. Those numbers suggest that Obama still has plenty of work to do if he hopes to be re-elected. Hopefully, the Republicans will look at this information and see that it is foolish of them to continue pandering to the Jewish community and that further Muslim immigration will just mean more votes for the Democrats.
Can the above really be true? Is the Jewish American population completely brain dead? Are they so completely screwed up in their heads that they believe for one moment that the atrocities we see aimed day after day at Israel will not be aimed at them once Israel is destroyed? Do they think for one moment a President that openly embraces a radical element bent on the elimination of the Jewish people will even try to stop the insurrection that is already making itself evident around the country? This same slow creeping cancer that is the Anti-Jewish sentiment is exactly the same as Nazi Germany. The similarities are there for all to see. Of course, I and others will be vilified for even having the audacity to compare our President to Hitler, yet he is allowing this to happen. Between his perceived hate for the Jews (again, this is how I see it!) and his Chaimberlain like stance of “I believe they’ll negotiate in good faith” belief in the radical Muslims who are now apparently running things (this clown really does believe in his heart radicals can be reasoned with. I’ve never figured this out, yet year after year morons think one can deal with hateful radicals. Can’t be done!) Israel, All Jews and if someone will finally get their heads out of their asses and realize, Western civilization as we know it are in deep danger!