Voltaire — To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Friday, May 13, 2011
New York police have arrested two North African men after they bought a hand grenade and guns wanting to attack synagogues, kill Jews and blow up the Empire State Building
Algerian Ahmed Ferhani, 26, and Mohamed Mamdouh, 20, a Moroccan-born U.S. citizen, were arrested after they bought three pistols, ammunition and an inert grenade from an undercover officer, concluding a seven-month sting operation. “In addition to discussing the bombing of synagogues one after another, Ferhani also expressed interest in bombing the Empire State Building,” Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said. New York has remained a target for al Qaeda and police went on heightened alert following the raid in which U.S. special forces killed Islamic terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
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