Voltaire — To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Monday, October 17, 2011
The black mother of a slain 18-year-old boy has been charged with his killing, police said
The body of Sean Hines was found by his stepfather when he came home to their apartment. Hines was stabbed to death. When police showed up, the black teen's mother, Yvonne Hines, 52, answered the door holding a bloody sponge. She was charged with manslaughter after being taken in for questioning, the NYPD said. Mother and son had a history of violence. Both faced assault charges in June 2011 after they attacked each other. Sean Hines hit his mom in the head with a hammer during that incident, officials said, and his mother cut his face. Sean Hines recently graduated from high school and hoped to go to culinary arts school, neighbors said. His mother is a rowdy presence, neighbors said. "She was always slamming the door, always in the hallway yelling," said Malika Cooper, 21. Yvonne Hines wouldn't give her son a key to their apartment, and often kicked him out, neighbors said. "She was screaming at him to find a job," Cooper said of one recent blow up.
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