Here is an excerpt of an interview that the late
Maurice Sendak gave to Gary Groth of The Comics Journal:
SENDAK: Bush was president, I thought, “Be brave. Tie a bomb to your shirt. Insist on going to the White House. And I wanna have a big hug with the vice president, definitely. And his wife, and the president, and his wife, and anybody else that can fit into the love hug.”
GROTH: A group hug.
SENDAK: And then we’ll blow ourselves up, and I’d be a hero. [Groth laughs.] To hell with the kiddie books. He killed Bush. He killed the vice president. Oh my God.
GROTH: I would have been willing to forgo this interview. [Sendak laughs.]
SENDAK: You would have forgotten about it. It would have been a very brave and wonderful thing. But I didn’t do it; I didn’t do it.
Let us hope that if there is a hell then this
scumbag is rotting in it!
Ha! Bush-Cheney served this guy's interests like no other. Cheney's daughter is a militant lesbian, married with a kid. This guy is playing into the narrative.