Voltaire — To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
According to United Nations research, South Africa has one of the highest firearm-related homicide rates in the world, second only to Colombia
And the homicide rate in greater Sao Paulo, South America's largest city, has more than tripled during the 1990s, to about 60 murders per 100,000 residents, compared with 7.4 in the Washington metropolitan area and 7.8 in New York. Both South Africa and Brazil are failed experiments in multiculturalism and diversity. The United States is hurtling toward this dystopian destiny. Indeed, in places like Detroit, Chicago and Birmingham, the signs have already appeared. Immigration patriots fatigued by pushing back against an always-on-the-assault Left should let these images of life in South Africa and Sao Paulo be the shot of adrenaline that they need to fight on.
Then there are the black kids who bullied and killed a white boy