About the true nature of Nazi Germany. The Jews played a huge role in building the Third Reich.
Search Term :
"Rabbi Antelman"
The Third Reich was yet one step towards the Zionist New World Order.
" Albert Pike Three World Wars Planned"
Rachel Corrie had more courage and more Light in her heart than all the 501c3 Zionist "Christians", all the Mormons, and all the Shriners in America.
Remember Rachel Corrie. May she Rest in Peace. She did more for peace than all our so-called leaders. And she was a better ambassador for America than all the ambassadors Uncle Sam sends over to the Middle East.
We are "afraid" of Nazis because Nazis are tied into and allied with Islamic Jihad and allied with intense warmongering Zionists, and we see what's happening in Syria - the peaceful Shias and the Christians are getting slaughtered by the Sunni-Islamic/Nazi/Zionist jihadists. The Shias and the Christians in the Middle East Never did anything to harm the USA. That's why we're "afraid" of Nazis. Got a problem with that? :
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we love the USA and we are patriotic and we don't want a replay of World War Two here in our precious land, if you don't mind. We don't want massive internecine war -- or any kind of war -- here in the United States, if you don't mind.
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we are Catholics, and the Nazis hated Catholics with a passion. The Nazis slaughtered Catholics en-masse in Poland and in Nazi occupied areas of Europe during WW2. Many Catholics were thrown into slavery as well -- the ones who weren't killed out-right. That is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
A video about Pope Pius XII and the Nazis when they invaded Poland Italy in WW2 :
We are disgusted with all the Nazi webmasters online who NEVER tell their readers how much the Nazis hated Catholics -- WHITE EUROPEAN CATHOLICS -- and how many Catholics were brutally murdered at the hands of the Nazis. That's why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we don't want to live in a country where people are brutally dragged out of their homes at gun-point and thrown into work-slave concentration camps and murdered in all kinds of horrific ways.
And NO -- we DON'T want to see the Jews dragged out of their homes either. How disgusting. How atavistic. How pathetic -- what a horrible vision for the USA. We are "afraid" of Nazis because we are Christians.
" Israel Shahak + The Weight Of Three Thousand Years PDF"
" Remember your origins; you were not meant to live as brutes".[Dante]
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we are Protestant Christians and we know what the Nazis did to those German and Dutch Christians who remained True to The Faith. They were persecuted and murdered by the Nazis the same way the Anabaptists [ now called Mennonites] were hunted down,persecuted and murdered during the Reformation.
We are "afraid" of Nazis because the Nazi webmasters online NEVER mention the German Confessing Church to their readers and how true Christians in Germany and in the Netherlands were persecuted:
"Dietrich Bonhoeffer + Hanged On A Twisted Cross PDF"
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we know a lot of Non-Jews are also involved in destroying the US, not just Jews :
All Faiths Coalition For Peace Freedom and Justice :
We are "afraid" of Nazis because Nazis are part-and-parcel of the New World Order -- and we don't any part of it.
We are horrified about the wars in the Middle East against people who never did anything against us -- that is bad enough as it is -- And we don't want the war coming here to the USA -- it's disgusting enough as it is that innocent Muslims and Christians are being killed down in the Middle East because of the warmongering Zionists, the ruling-class bankers and the Corporate Elite of the world. We don't want any part of it -- that is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
We are "afraid" of Nazis because the Third Reich was bank-rolled by the very same bankers who bank-rolled the Jew Commie Soviet Union.
"Anthony C. Sutton + Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler PDF"
"Dietrich Bronder + Bevor Hitler Kam PDF"
"Anthony C. Sutton + Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution PDF"
We are "afraid" of Nazis because Nazism and Communism are two sides of the same coin, and the coin is owned by die-hard, intense warmongering Zionists who are drooling for their "New World Order", that is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
"Hegelian Dialectics Communism Nazism"
More websites and more information about Hegelian Dialectics, and the connection between Communists and Nazis with above search term.
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we happen to know that not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews.
We happen to know there's a lot of NON-Jewish Zionists in addition to those Jews who are Zionists : For example, the Mormons, the Shriners, all the Freemasons, the 501C3 "Christians", the Muslims in the Middle East who are waging Nazi/Sunni Islam/Zionist Jihad against their fellow Arabs - against the peaceful Shias and the Christians -- neither one of these two groups ever bothered anyone ;
The Gulf State and Saudia Arabian Emirates [ or whatever the hell they're called] who are financing the Nazi/Sunni/Zionist jihad. All the Arabs in the jihadist army. All the Muslims from around the world in the jihadist army.
The Shias and the Christians in the Middle East didn't do anything to us here in the States, and they didn't do anything to harm their fellow Arabs in the Middle East either. Yet, they are being brutally murdered by Nazi/Sunni/Zionists : both Jewish-Nazis and Non-Jewish Nazis. That's why we are "afraid" of Nazis.[ The Jews in the jihadist army are called Donmeh Jews].
We know that Hitler and wealthy big-shot Donmeh Jews in Turkey and Egypt played a big role in starting the Sunni Islamic warmongering Muslim Brotherhood in the very first place[1928]. That is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
The mighty White Nationalist Tanstaafl and his Jewish wife "Mary" remind me of a lot of the "White Nationalist" Mussolini and his Jewish mistress Margherita Sarfatti.
Tanstaafl and "Mary" delete ALL the posts I send to them. Never fails -- no exceptions.
One is NOT allowed to mention the giant role the Jews played in creating and building the Third Reich in the very first place, or that Mussolini and his Italian Fascist Party were bank-rolled by the wealthy Jewish/Venetian Sarfatti family : Family of Mussolini's Jewish mistress. It's VERBOTEN!!!
Heidegger's Dasein comes from the Kabala. Heidegger was mentored into "the faith" by the Jew Edmund Husserl. Husserl was a Sabbatean/Donmeh Jew [pretending to be a Lutheran].
All Existentialism, by the way, in all its' various guises -- including and Especially Nazi Dasein and Jew Khazar Communism -- comes from the Jew Kabala.
The Nazi webmasters online - Chechar being the perfect example - always push Nietzsche on their readers. Yet the leftist agenda was born in Nietzsche's Germany with the Nazi "philosophers". Including the gay liberation movement:
" Nazis And The New Age"
" Savitri Devi + Hitler's Priestess PDF"
The Nazi webmasters Never mention to their readers that the Satanists of the world claim Nietzsche as one of their own. The first two websites are satanic websites :
The Third Reich Nazi/Nuremberg laws concerning "blood purity", by the way, comes straight out of the Jewish Talmud and the Noahide Laws.
The Nazi webmasters complain about the leftist cultural agenda -- an agenda based on Existentialism -- Yet they themselves are pushing the Very Same Existentialism -- and Never tell their readers the whole leftist agenda started in Nietzsche's Germany with the Nazi "philosophers" in the very first place.
Nazism and Communism are tied-at-the-hip. That's why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
I don't know about you, but I don't need any Jew -- or anyone else -- to figure out what to be "afraid" of or not to be "afraid" of. I'm quite capable of figuring out what to be "afraid" of on my own. I'm quite capable of doing my own thinking in other words.
[ Even the Jews in Israel know Hitler had the blood/DNA -- the spirit -- of a Donmeh Jew].
A video about Hitler's heritage :
Lots more info online for those truly interested. As for me, I'll remain a true patriotic American and stand opposed to both Nazism and Communism. Both Nazism and Communism serve the New World Order gang.
The Jews aren't the only Zionists in America. It's very clear there's a connection -- a nexus point - between Nazism, Islamic Jihad, and Zionism.
The Shriners : The Shriners worship Islam-Sufism, so they support the Islamic Jihad going on in the Middle East [and in Europe].They don't even worship Shia Islam -- the peaceful sect in Islam -- The Shriners worship Sunni Jihadist Islam. Unfortunately for us, there's a lot of Shriners in Washington, DC. The Red Fez hats they wear symbolize the blood of slaughtered Christians. And they love wearing the Red Fez hats [tabooshes].
The Mormons : The Mormons "baptized" Hitler into their Mormon "fold". As Hitler and the Nazis are tied into The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad, the Mormons support warmongering Zionists to-the-hilt. Romney was just itching to kick-start World War Three. Tons of Mormons in Washington.
The 501C3 Zionist Christians : Support warmongering Zionism to-the-hilt. The Jews didn't put a gun to the heads of the Christian ministers in the US and force the Christian ministers to throw the old bibles in the trash and take up the Zionist-Jew-Khazar-Centric Scofield Bible. Shitloads of Zionist "Christians" in Washington.
And NO -- the Christian ministers weren't "duped" into accepting the Scofield Bible. They knew fully well they were selling out. We're all given free will and volition.
The Nazi webmasters Never mention the Mormons or the Shriners and the role they play in Zionism -- or in our open borders and massive immigration. Both the Mormons and the Shriners Always wanted open borders. The Nazi webmasters Never mention the role the Mormons and Shriners play in Washington, DC.
There's a giant shrine to America's leading Satanist -- Albert Pike -- in the middle of Washington, DC, and yet I never hear any of our so-called "Christian" leadership calling for it's demolition.
Come over here to Throggs Neck in The Bronx and we'll show who's right and who's wrong. We'll kick your lying mendacious "aryan" butt right up and over to City Island, then throw you on a cabin cruiser and dump your limp "hyperborean" Nazi body in Long Island Sound for good.
Go tell it your precious Eva Braun and go shut the f*ck up. Or, go tell it to the Rockefellers and the Warburgs, they're the ones who financed your Nazi "economic miracle" in the very first place, jackass.
If you keep this up, we might decide not to be so nice to you: We might even decide to drive you into the South Bronx and let the mulagnans take care of you. So STFU.
The Two Major Reasons, And THE ONLY REASONS period -- there are no other reasons -- for all the Nazi websites online :
1 : Scare the Jews so they run to their Zionist leaders to protect them. "Oh no, look at all the Nazi websites. The gentiles are out to kill us again. More and more Nazi websites with every week that goes by. We can't let it happen to us again. We must support Zionism."
This has the effect of strengthening, enabling, and empowering the Zionist agenda.
2a: Horrifying Christian Americans because Christian Americans DO NOT, DO NOT, want a Nazi State. We DO NOT want a re-play of World War Two in the USA, and we DO NOT want a re-play of Nazi occupied areas of WW2 Europe where Jews were dragged out of their homes en-masse and killed in all kinds of horrific ways.
2b : That we Christians in America DO NOT want to see the Jews -- or anyone else -- dragged out of their homes at gun-point and killed down en-masse, is NOT because of Jewish "power", NOT because of Jewish "money", NOT because of Jewish "propaganda";
It's in our Christian hearts to want to live in a decent country -- NOT a country where anyone -- NOT even the Jews -- get dragged out of their homes en-masse and murdered en-masse.
2c : "Oh my God. Look at all these Nazi websites. We have to help the Jews. The Jews are right. More and more Nazi websites with every week that goes by. Look at all these Nazi websites. We don't want to do what the Nazis did in the Third Reich. We must support the Zionists. We must make sure it doesn't happen again."
This has the effect of strengthening , enabling, and empowering the Zionist agenda :
Which is The EXACT effect the Nazi webmasters want to produce -- in spite of what they say to the contrary.
The above are the TWO REASONS -- And The Only Reasons -- For All The Online Nazis.
The Mormons "baptized" the mass murdering Hitler into their Mormon "fold". The mass murdering Hitler who threw devout Catholics in Europe into the IG Farben camps and had them brutally murdered.
In Poland, especially, Catholics were slaughtered en-masse by the Nazis. Many Catholics in Nazi occupied areas of Europe were thrown into the camps for trying to help the Jews and other "undesirables" under siege.
The mass murdering Hitler who threw Catholics in East Europe into slavery in Nazi "work-projects" in occupied areas -- the Mormons of America "baptized" Hitler into the Mormon "fold".
May the Mormons all rot in fuckin' hell when do America a favor and drop dead. You fuckin' disgusting Mormons, go take your mormon hitler and all of you can go rot in putrid hell unto fuckin' eternity.
The Shriners in America aren't any better than the Mormons. The Shriners worship Islam. They don't even worship Shia Islam -- the more peaceful sect in Islam, the Shriners worship Sunni Islam, even unto Sunni-Jihad.
The Red Fez hats they love to wear as they smirk in our faces represents the blood of Christians slaughtered by Islamic Jihadists throughout history. The Red Fez hats are called "tabooshes".
Mormons, by the way, can be Shriners. Being a Mormon does NOT preclude the Mormons from being Shriners. There's no conflict of interest whatsoever.
It was Hitler who introduced Islamic Jihad into Europe in the very first place.
I notice the Nazis and the Islamic Jihadists have the same EXACT agenda. Kill Jews and Kill Catholics -- especially devout Catholics-- and Kill the sincere Protestant Christians.
I know this is true because both the online Nazis and the online webmasters who find every excuse in the world to justify the Islamic Jihad currently going on in Europe just shrug their shoulders and say -- " Hitler was a great man" -- when it's pointed out to them the Nazis killed Catholics down in droves in Nazi occupied areas of Europe, threw the Catholics they didn't kill out-right into slavery on Nazi work-projects" and threw the devout Catholics into the IG Farben work camps.
Although it's pointed out to the online Nazis and the online supports of the Muslims Jihadists -- they fully well know the true history of Nazi occupied areas of Europe during WW2 before anyone such as myself point it out to them.
I won't name the websites. Send off posts to Nazi websites and the websites that find every excuse in the book and then some more excuses to justify Islamic Jihad in Europe, see what happens to you. Notice the treatment you receive at such websites. Good luck.
"Snippits and Snappits + Earth's Alpha Predator Zionist Mafia"
Or go to website and go back to :
Tuesday July 9,2013
I notice the webmaster of Snippits and Snappits, Noor -- who is supposedly all about peace love and understanding -- just shrugs her shoulders and says, "Hitler was a great man" knowing fully well how many Catholics were brutally murdered -- qua Catholics -- by the Nazis. Exactly the same way she shrugs her shoulders and says, "Hitler was a great man" knowing fully well how many Jews were killed at the hands of the Nazis.
The online Nazis and the online webmasters who find every excuse in the book to justify the Islamic jihad in Europe never truly explain to their readers about the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
The Grand Mufti supposedly didn't want Jews immigrating to Palestine. Yet, he allied himself with Hitler ; the very one who was rounding up the Jews in Europe and shipping the Jews off to Palestine. The Jews who weren't sent to the camps were sent to Palestine. The Transfer Agreement and the Haavara Agreement of 1933.
The Grand Mufti knew about the Transfer Agreement and the Haavara Agreement of course. There's no way he couldn't know ; And he knew that many of the Jews in the camps would immigrate to Palestine eventually. So he wasn't truly opposed to Jews immigrating to Palestine. Not really.
This is an issue the online Nazis and the webmasters who make excuses for Islamic Jihad in Europe never truly explain to their readers. They never attempt to explain the great discrepancy between the Grand Mufti's public statements about not wanting Jews to immigrate to Palestine and his alliance with Hitler -- Hitler : The very one responsible for uprooting the Jews from Europe and shipping them off to Palestine in the very first place.
I notice the online Nazis and the those who find every excuse to justify Islamic Jihad in Europe have the same exact agenda. Both Jews and Catholics are being attacked in Europe now.
I notice the Nazi webmasters always make such a big stink about how the Jews are liars and the Jews can't be trusted, yet all the Nazi webmasters online feature the Jew Kaminski. They all talk about how wonderful Kaminski is. They all feature John Kaminski articles. They all praise Kaminski to the heavens.
Yet the Jew John Kaminski was one of the Jews who hassled Eustace Mullins, and one of the Jews who tried to shut Eustace Mullins up because Mullins was an honest historian. Yet, all the Nazi webmasters dote on the Jew. They all praise the Jew who hassled one our most honest historians.
Mullins payed dearly in his life to bring us the truth. The Jew John Kaminski is one of the Jews who made Mullins "pay" for being an honest historian. The Jew John Kaminski is one of the Jews Eustace Mullins struggled against. Yet, the Nazi webmasters -- who supposedly don't care for Jew liars -- praise the Jew Kaminski to the heavens.
1 : The Nazis webmasters don't like Jew liars and lousy Jew behavior. They don't like Jews because Jews don't like Truth.
2 : Nazis love Whites - because Whites are honest and Whites like Truth.
3 : Eustace Mullins, a WHITE Christian American historian, one of the most honest historians in American history ; WHITE Christian American historian Eustace Mullins payed dearly to bring us the truth.
4 : The Jew Kaminski hassled the WHITE Christian American historian. The Jew Kaminski made Mullins "pay" for being an honest historian.
5 : Kaminski is one of the Jews Eustace Mullins struggled against.
6 : The Nazis, who love Whites because we are honest, and detest Jews for being liars, their lousy Jew behavior, and because the Jews don't like truth, praise the Jew Kaminski to the heavens, yet the Jew Kaminski is one of the Jews who tried to STOP one of America's most honest historians -- A WHITE American - from sharing THE TRUTH with us.
7 : Yet, the Nazi webmasters praise this obstructionist Jew Kaminski to the heavens.
This is why I think the online Nazis are full of snake shit, because the Nazis are friends with the Jew Kaminski and Kaminski is a f*ckin liar to-the-core.
Excellent Search Terms :
"Eustace Mullins on John Kaminski"
"John Kaminski Infiltrant"
An article very much worth reading ;
" Eustace Mullins : My Struggle Against The Jews" :
"Snippits-and-Snappits" blogspot
Article dated : Fri. July 12th,2013
Seems to me the Nazi webmasters lie to us as much -- if not more -- than the Jews they're always complaining about. I have no use for them.
We are "afraid" of Nazis because they are goddamned liars and greatly abridge and distort history. We admire Eustace Mullins because he struggled in his life to bring us TRUTH.
Mullins was AGAINST Nazism. He saw very clearly what Nazism truly is : Part-and-Parcel of the Zionist New World Order. There are many Eustace Mullins' videos at YouTube. Listen to Mullins without the Jew Kaminski standing between you and the honest historian. Listen to Mullins with any Nazi webmaster standing between you and the honest historian.
Listen to Mullins WITHOUT any Nazi webmaster standing between you and the honest historian.
Also very much worth reading to learn the true nature of the Third Reich and the true nature of Nazism in general :
"Dietrich Bronder + Bevor Hitler Kam PDF"
It is VERBOTEN to mention Dietrich Bronder at any Nazi website.
Bronder -- like Eustace Mullins -- is an honest historian. Bronder is Jewish. An honest Jew. An honest historian.
The Nazi webmasters are friends with the mendacious and obstructionist Jew Kaminski, and detest the honest Jew Dietrich Bronder as they detest the honest Jew Rabbi Antelman.
"Rabbi Antelman"
Good search term to learn more about Nazism. Antelman is an honest Jew as is Bronder.
To take the work of an honest historian -- in this case Eustace Mullins -- distort the historian's work as the Jew Kaminski does, as the Nazi webmasters do, to goad us on to an agenda the honest historian was AGAINST is called "usurpation" NOT "truth-telling".
The following search term will help explain the situation :
ReplyDelete"Eustace Mullins On Nazis"
"Hitler Was A Jew Himself"
From : Joe
"Margherita Sarfatti Jewish Mother Of Italian Fascism"
ReplyDelete"Jews The Chosen People Fascist Italy Rejected"
From : Valerio
About the true nature of Nazi Germany. The Jews played a huge role in building the Third Reich.
Search Term :
"Rabbi Antelman"
The Third Reich was yet one step towards the Zionist New World Order.
" Albert Pike Three World Wars Planned"
Rachel Corrie had more courage and more Light in her heart than all the 501c3 Zionist "Christians", all the Mormons, and all the Shriners in America.
Remember Rachel Corrie. May she Rest in Peace. She did more for peace than all our so-called leaders. And she was a better ambassador for America than all the ambassadors Uncle Sam sends over to the Middle East.
From : Trevor
About Nazism, Islamic Jihad, and Zionism -- they're all connected. All 3 were started by the same people -- the same force.
Tons of Non-Jews in America and around the world also support the NWO agenda.
It's NOT so simplistic :
All Jews = Perfidious.
All Non-Jews = Sterling.
Read Dante. Find out what the world is really all about.
From : Valerio
We are "afraid" of Nazis because Nazis are tied into and allied with Islamic Jihad and allied with intense warmongering Zionists, and we see what's happening in Syria - the peaceful Shias and the Christians are getting slaughtered by the Sunni-Islamic/Nazi/Zionist jihadists. The Shias and the Christians in the Middle East Never did anything to harm the USA. That's why we're "afraid" of Nazis. Got a problem with that? :
We are also "afraid" of Nazis because Nazis and Communists are two sides of the same coin :
And we are "afraid" of Nazis because of the Nazis in Florida, for example :
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we love the USA and we are patriotic and we don't want a replay of World War Two here in our precious land, if you don't mind. We don't want massive internecine war -- or any kind of war -- here in the United States, if you don't mind.
From : Salvatore
Salvatore you're a jew.
DeleteWe are "afraid" of Nazis because we are Catholics, and the Nazis hated Catholics with a passion. The Nazis slaughtered Catholics en-masse in Poland and in Nazi occupied areas of Europe during WW2. Many Catholics were thrown into slavery as well -- the ones who weren't killed out-right. That is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
" EWTN + Nazi persecution of Catholics"
A video about Pope Pius XII and the Nazis when they invaded Poland Italy in WW2 :
We are disgusted with all the Nazi webmasters online who NEVER tell their readers how much the Nazis hated Catholics -- WHITE EUROPEAN CATHOLICS -- and how many Catholics were brutally murdered at the hands of the Nazis. That's why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
" Menachem Begin Nazi Collaborator"
" Golda Meir + Pope Pius XII"
From : Anthony
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we don't want to live in a country where people are brutally dragged out of their homes at gun-point and thrown into work-slave concentration camps and murdered in all kinds of horrific ways.
ReplyDeleteAnd NO -- we DON'T want to see the Jews dragged out of their homes either. How disgusting. How atavistic. How pathetic -- what a horrible vision for the USA. We are "afraid" of Nazis because we are Christians.
" Israel Shahak + The Weight Of Three Thousand Years PDF"
" Remember your origins; you were not meant to live as brutes".[Dante]
From : Trevor
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we are Protestant Christians and we know what the Nazis did to those German and Dutch Christians who remained True to The Faith. They were persecuted and murdered by the Nazis the same way the Anabaptists [ now called Mennonites] were hunted down,persecuted and murdered during the Reformation.
Search Term for more information:
"What We Need Is The German Confessing Church"
We are "afraid" of Nazis because the Nazi webmasters online NEVER mention the German Confessing Church to their readers and how true Christians in Germany and in the Netherlands were persecuted:
"Dietrich Bonhoeffer + Hanged On A Twisted Cross PDF"
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we know a lot of Non-Jews are also involved in destroying the US, not just Jews :
From : Owen
There just has to be a better way than Nazism ;
ReplyDeleteAll Faiths Coalition For Peace Freedom and Justice :
We are "afraid" of Nazis because Nazis are part-and-parcel of the New World Order -- and we don't any part of it.
We are horrified about the wars in the Middle East against people who never did anything against us -- that is bad enough as it is -- And we don't want the war coming here to the USA -- it's disgusting enough as it is that innocent Muslims and Christians are being killed down in the Middle East because of the warmongering Zionists, the ruling-class bankers and the Corporate Elite of the world. We don't want any part of it -- that is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
From : Megan
We are "afraid" of Nazis because the Third Reich was bank-rolled by the very same bankers who bank-rolled the Jew Commie Soviet Union.
ReplyDelete"Anthony C. Sutton + Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler PDF"
"Dietrich Bronder + Bevor Hitler Kam PDF"
"Anthony C. Sutton + Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution PDF"
We are "afraid" of Nazis because Nazism and Communism are two sides of the same coin, and the coin is owned by die-hard, intense warmongering Zionists who are drooling for their "New World Order", that is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
"Hegelian Dialectics Communism Nazism"
More websites and more information about Hegelian Dialectics, and the connection between Communists and Nazis with above search term.
From : Scott
We are "afraid" of Nazis because we happen to know that not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews.
ReplyDeleteWe happen to know there's a lot of NON-Jewish Zionists in addition to those Jews who are Zionists : For example, the Mormons, the Shriners, all the Freemasons, the 501C3 "Christians", the Muslims in the Middle East who are waging Nazi/Sunni Islam/Zionist Jihad against their fellow Arabs - against the peaceful Shias and the Christians -- neither one of these two groups ever bothered anyone ;
The Gulf State and Saudia Arabian Emirates [ or whatever the hell they're called] who are financing the Nazi/Sunni/Zionist jihad. All the Arabs in the jihadist army. All the Muslims from around the world in the jihadist army.
The Shias and the Christians in the Middle East didn't do anything to us here in the States, and they didn't do anything to harm their fellow Arabs in the Middle East either. Yet, they are being brutally murdered by Nazi/Sunni/Zionists : both Jewish-Nazis and Non-Jewish Nazis. That's why we are "afraid" of Nazis.[ The Jews in the jihadist army are called Donmeh Jews].
We know that Hitler and wealthy big-shot Donmeh Jews in Turkey and Egypt played a big role in starting the Sunni Islamic warmongering Muslim Brotherhood in the very first place[1928]. That is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
From : Tassinari
The mighty White Nationalist Tanstaafl and his Jewish wife "Mary" remind me of a lot of the "White Nationalist" Mussolini and his Jewish mistress Margherita Sarfatti.
ReplyDeleteTanstaafl and "Mary" delete ALL the posts I send to them. Never fails -- no exceptions.
One is NOT allowed to mention the giant role the Jews played in creating and building the Third Reich in the very first place, or that Mussolini and his Italian Fascist Party were bank-rolled by the wealthy Jewish/Venetian Sarfatti family : Family of Mussolini's Jewish mistress. It's VERBOTEN!!!
From : Joe
To learn more about how the Jews operate, Go To :
Heidegger's Dasein comes from the Kabala. Heidegger was mentored into "the faith" by the Jew Edmund Husserl. Husserl was a Sabbatean/Donmeh Jew [pretending to be a Lutheran].
All Existentialism, by the way, in all its' various guises -- including and Especially Nazi Dasein and Jew Khazar Communism -- comes from the Jew Kabala.
From : Armenius
The Nazi webmasters online - Chechar being the perfect example - always push Nietzsche on their readers. Yet the leftist agenda was born in Nietzsche's Germany with the Nazi "philosophers". Including the gay liberation movement:
" Nazis And The New Age"
" Savitri Devi + Hitler's Priestess PDF"
The Nazi webmasters Never mention to their readers that the Satanists of the world claim Nietzsche as one of their own. The first two websites are satanic websites :
More about the New World Order :
The Third Reich Nazi/Nuremberg laws concerning "blood purity", by the way, comes straight out of the Jewish Talmud and the Noahide Laws.
The Nazi webmasters complain about the leftist cultural agenda -- an agenda based on Existentialism -- Yet they themselves are pushing the Very Same Existentialism -- and Never tell their readers the whole leftist agenda started in Nietzsche's Germany with the Nazi "philosophers" in the very first place.
Nazism and Communism are tied-at-the-hip. That's why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
From : Durrant
Because jews tell us to be afraid of 'nazis'.
ReplyDeleteNever believe a jew.
Communism/Marxism is judaism.
@ Anonymous 6:32 PM
ReplyDeleteI don't know about you, but I don't need any Jew -- or anyone else -- to figure out what to be "afraid" of or not to be "afraid" of. I'm quite capable of figuring out what to be "afraid" of on my own. I'm quite capable of doing my own thinking in other words.
Not my religion exactly, but very informative : About Donmeh Jews and their role in Nazism/Islamic Jihad/Zionism :
[ Even the Jews in Israel know Hitler had the blood/DNA -- the spirit -- of a Donmeh Jew].
A video about Hitler's heritage :
Lots more info online for those truly interested. As for me, I'll remain a true patriotic American and stand opposed to both Nazism and Communism. Both Nazism and Communism serve the New World Order gang.
From : Salvatore
Search Term :
ReplyDelete"Frank Collins + Jew + Skokie Nazis"
From : Jimmy
Why are you allowing this kike to post on your blog?
ReplyDeleteThe Jews aren't the only Zionists in America. It's very clear there's a connection -- a nexus point - between Nazism, Islamic Jihad, and Zionism.
ReplyDeleteThe Shriners : The Shriners worship Islam-Sufism, so they support the Islamic Jihad going on in the Middle East [and in Europe].They don't even worship Shia Islam -- the peaceful sect in Islam -- The Shriners worship Sunni Jihadist Islam. Unfortunately for us, there's a lot of Shriners in Washington, DC. The Red Fez hats they wear symbolize the blood of slaughtered Christians. And they love wearing the Red Fez hats [tabooshes].
The Mormons : The Mormons "baptized" Hitler into their Mormon "fold". As Hitler and the Nazis are tied into The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Jihad, the Mormons support warmongering Zionists to-the-hilt. Romney was just itching to kick-start World War Three. Tons of Mormons in Washington.
The 501C3 Zionist Christians : Support warmongering Zionism to-the-hilt. The Jews didn't put a gun to the heads of the Christian ministers in the US and force the Christian ministers to throw the old bibles in the trash and take up the Zionist-Jew-Khazar-Centric Scofield Bible. Shitloads of Zionist "Christians" in Washington.
And NO -- the Christian ministers weren't "duped" into accepting the Scofield Bible. They knew fully well they were selling out. We're all given free will and volition.
The Nazi webmasters Never mention the Mormons or the Shriners and the role they play in Zionism -- or in our open borders and massive immigration. Both the Mormons and the Shriners Always wanted open borders. The Nazi webmasters Never mention the role the Mormons and Shriners play in Washington, DC.
There's a giant shrine to America's leading Satanist -- Albert Pike -- in the middle of Washington, DC, and yet I never hear any of our so-called "Christian" leadership calling for it's demolition.
From : Joe
"Why Does America Want All Of The Christians Out Of The Middle East?" :
From : Durrant
"Over Lords Of Chaos + Jesus was NOT A Jew"
ReplyDelete"Benjamin Freedman + Jesus Was NOT A Jew"
From : Taylor
About the Jewish Sabbatean prophets and the Jewish Zionist messianic religion :
ReplyDelete" Sabbatean Prophets PDF"
" The Rothschilds, Hitler, Holocaust, Israel, and Zionist World Government" :
Listen to the "great" Nazi "philosopher" Heidegger :
From: Trevor
I was right...and you know it.
ReplyDeleteFrom: Adolph
@ Adolph
ReplyDeleteCome over here to Throggs Neck in The Bronx and we'll show who's right and who's wrong. We'll kick your lying mendacious "aryan" butt right up and over to City Island, then throw you on a cabin cruiser and dump your limp "hyperborean" Nazi body in Long Island Sound for good.
Go tell it your precious Eva Braun and go shut the f*ck up. Or, go tell it to the Rockefellers and the Warburgs, they're the ones who financed your Nazi "economic miracle" in the very first place, jackass.
If you keep this up, we might decide not to be so nice to you: We might even decide to drive you into the South Bronx and let the mulagnans take care of you. So STFU.
From : Tony from St. Benedict's Parish
ReplyDeleteAnother excellent article. Another excellent website :
"The Deceived And The Dangerous"
From : Vinny
"Eustace Mullins On John Kaminski And Other Infiltrants"
From : Trevor
Learn more about the Nazi "philosopher" Heidegger and Nazi "philosophy" which is Existentialism. The Nazis call their existentialism Dasein. :
From : Jimmy
The Two Major Reasons, And THE ONLY REASONS period -- there are no other reasons -- for all the Nazi websites online :
ReplyDelete1 : Scare the Jews so they run to their Zionist leaders to protect them. "Oh no, look at all the Nazi websites. The gentiles are out to kill us again. More and more Nazi websites with every week that goes by. We can't let it happen to us again. We must support Zionism."
This has the effect of strengthening, enabling, and empowering the Zionist agenda.
2a: Horrifying Christian Americans because Christian Americans DO NOT, DO NOT, want a Nazi State. We DO NOT want a re-play of World War Two in the USA, and we DO NOT want a re-play of Nazi occupied areas of WW2 Europe where Jews were dragged out of their homes en-masse and killed in all kinds of horrific ways.
2b : That we Christians in America DO NOT want to see the Jews -- or anyone else -- dragged out of their homes at gun-point and killed down en-masse, is NOT because of Jewish "power", NOT because of Jewish "money", NOT because of Jewish "propaganda";
It's in our Christian hearts to want to live in a decent country -- NOT a country where anyone -- NOT even the Jews -- get dragged out of their homes en-masse and murdered en-masse.
2c : "Oh my God. Look at all these Nazi websites. We have to help the Jews. The Jews are right. More and more Nazi websites with every week that goes by. Look at all these Nazi websites. We don't want to do what the Nazis did in the Third Reich. We must support the Zionists. We must make sure it doesn't happen again."
This has the effect of strengthening , enabling, and empowering the Zionist agenda :
Which is The EXACT effect the Nazi webmasters want to produce -- in spite of what they say to the contrary.
The above are the TWO REASONS -- And The Only Reasons -- For All The Online Nazis.
Think about it. Let it soak in.
From : Joe
The Mormons "baptized" Hitler into their Mormon "fold". Hitler is now a Mormon.
The Mormons "baptized" the mass murdering Hitler into their Mormon "fold". The mass murdering Hitler who threw devout Catholics in Europe into the IG Farben camps and had them brutally murdered.
In Poland, especially, Catholics were slaughtered en-masse by the Nazis. Many Catholics in Nazi occupied areas of Europe were thrown into the camps for trying to help the Jews and other "undesirables" under siege.
The mass murdering Hitler who threw Catholics in East Europe into slavery in Nazi "work-projects" in occupied areas -- the Mormons of America "baptized" Hitler into the Mormon "fold".
May the Mormons all rot in fuckin' hell when do America a favor and drop dead. You fuckin' disgusting Mormons, go take your mormon hitler and all of you can go rot in putrid hell unto fuckin' eternity.
From : Giuseppe
The Shriners in America aren't any better than the Mormons. The Shriners worship Islam. They don't even worship Shia Islam -- the more peaceful sect in Islam, the Shriners worship Sunni Islam, even unto Sunni-Jihad.
ReplyDeleteThe Red Fez hats they love to wear as they smirk in our faces represents the blood of Christians slaughtered by Islamic Jihadists throughout history. The Red Fez hats are called "tabooshes".
Mormons, by the way, can be Shriners. Being a Mormon does NOT preclude the Mormons from being Shriners. There's no conflict of interest whatsoever.
It was Hitler who introduced Islamic Jihad into Europe in the very first place.
" Hitler's Muslim Legions"
" Hitler + The Muslim Brotherhood"
"Shriners Oath Is Islamic"
"Mormon Temple Records Hitler"
The Shriner oath is Islamic :
And still, the Mormons and Shriners of America worship Nazism/Islamic Jihad. Detestable.
" Golda Meir + Pope Pius XII"
" EWTN Pope Pius XII"
"Polish Greatness + The Forgotten Holocaust"
"EWTN Nazi Persecution Of Catholics"
From : Salvatore
I notice the Nazis and the Islamic Jihadists have the same EXACT agenda. Kill Jews and Kill Catholics -- especially devout Catholics-- and Kill the sincere Protestant Christians.
ReplyDeleteI know this is true because both the online Nazis and the online webmasters who find every excuse in the world to justify the Islamic Jihad currently going on in Europe just shrug their shoulders and say -- " Hitler was a great man" -- when it's pointed out to them the Nazis killed Catholics down in droves in Nazi occupied areas of Europe, threw the Catholics they didn't kill out-right into slavery on Nazi work-projects" and threw the devout Catholics into the IG Farben work camps.
Although it's pointed out to the online Nazis and the online supports of the Muslims Jihadists -- they fully well know the true history of Nazi occupied areas of Europe during WW2 before anyone such as myself point it out to them.
I won't name the websites. Send off posts to Nazi websites and the websites that find every excuse in the book and then some more excuses to justify Islamic Jihad in Europe, see what happens to you. Notice the treatment you receive at such websites. Good luck.
That is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
From : Joe
At "Snippits-and-Snappits" website :
ReplyDelete"Earth's Alpha Predator : Zionist Mafia"
The most direct way to article, use Search Term :
"Snippits and Snappits + Earth's Alpha Predator Zionist Mafia"
Or go to website and go back to :
Tuesday July 9,2013
I notice the webmaster of Snippits and Snappits, Noor -- who is supposedly all about peace love and understanding -- just shrugs her shoulders and says, "Hitler was a great man" knowing fully well how many Catholics were brutally murdered -- qua Catholics -- by the Nazis. Exactly the same way she shrugs her shoulders and says, "Hitler was a great man" knowing fully well how many Jews were killed at the hands of the Nazis.
The online Nazis and the online webmasters who find every excuse in the book to justify the Islamic jihad in Europe never truly explain to their readers about the Muslim Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
The Grand Mufti supposedly didn't want Jews immigrating to Palestine. Yet, he allied himself with Hitler ; the very one who was rounding up the Jews
in Europe and shipping the Jews off to Palestine. The Jews who weren't sent to the camps were sent to Palestine. The Transfer Agreement and the Haavara Agreement of 1933.
The Grand Mufti knew about the Transfer Agreement and the Haavara Agreement of course. There's no way he couldn't know ; And he knew that many of the Jews in the camps would immigrate to Palestine eventually. So he wasn't truly opposed to Jews immigrating to Palestine. Not really.
This is an issue the online Nazis and the webmasters who make excuses for Islamic Jihad in Europe never truly explain to their readers. They never attempt to explain the great discrepancy between the Grand Mufti's public statements about not wanting Jews to immigrate to Palestine and his alliance with Hitler -- Hitler : The very one responsible for uprooting the Jews from Europe and shipping them off to Palestine in the very first place.
I notice the online Nazis and the those who find every excuse to justify Islamic Jihad in Europe have the same exact agenda. Both Jews and Catholics are being attacked in Europe now.
" Muslims Attack Churches In France"
" Muslims Attack Churches In Europe"
"Muslims Attack Jews In Europe"
That is why we are "afraid" of Nazis.
From : Tassinari
I notice the Nazi webmasters always make such a big stink about how the Jews are liars and the Jews can't be trusted, yet all the Nazi webmasters online feature the Jew Kaminski. They all talk about how wonderful Kaminski is. They all feature John Kaminski articles. They all praise Kaminski to the heavens.
ReplyDeleteYet the Jew John Kaminski was one of the Jews who hassled Eustace Mullins, and one of the Jews who tried to shut Eustace Mullins up because Mullins was an honest historian. Yet, all the Nazi webmasters dote on the Jew. They all praise the Jew who hassled one our most honest historians.
Mullins payed dearly in his life to bring us the truth. The Jew John Kaminski is one of the Jews who made Mullins "pay" for being an honest historian. The Jew John Kaminski is one of the Jews Eustace Mullins struggled against. Yet, the Nazi webmasters -- who supposedly don't care for Jew liars -- praise the Jew Kaminski to the heavens.
1 : The Nazis webmasters don't like Jew liars and lousy Jew behavior. They don't like Jews because Jews don't like Truth.
2 : Nazis love Whites - because Whites are honest and Whites like Truth.
3 : Eustace Mullins, a WHITE Christian American historian, one of the most honest historians in American history ; WHITE Christian American historian Eustace Mullins payed dearly to bring us the truth.
4 : The Jew Kaminski hassled the WHITE Christian American historian. The Jew Kaminski made Mullins "pay" for being an honest historian.
5 : Kaminski is one of the Jews Eustace Mullins struggled against.
6 : The Nazis, who love Whites because we are honest, and detest Jews for being liars, their lousy Jew behavior, and because the Jews don't like truth, praise the Jew Kaminski to the heavens, yet the Jew Kaminski is one of the Jews who tried to STOP one of America's most honest historians -- A WHITE American - from sharing THE TRUTH with us.
7 : Yet, the Nazi webmasters praise this obstructionist Jew Kaminski to the heavens.
This is why I think the online Nazis are full of snake shit, because the Nazis are friends with the Jew Kaminski and Kaminski is a f*ckin liar to-the-core.
Excellent Search Terms :
"Eustace Mullins on John Kaminski"
"John Kaminski Infiltrant"
An article very much worth reading ;
" Eustace Mullins : My Struggle Against The Jews" :
"Snippits-and-Snappits" blogspot
Article dated : Fri. July 12th,2013
Seems to me the Nazi webmasters lie to us as much -- if not more -- than the Jews they're always complaining about. I have no use for them.
We are "afraid" of Nazis because they are goddamned liars and greatly abridge and distort history. We admire Eustace Mullins because he struggled in his life to bring us TRUTH.
Mullins was AGAINST Nazism. He saw very clearly what Nazism truly is : Part-and-Parcel of the Zionist New World Order. There are many Eustace Mullins' videos at YouTube. Listen to Mullins without the Jew Kaminski standing between you and the honest historian. Listen to Mullins with any Nazi webmaster standing between you and the honest historian.
From : Joe
Excuse the typo in last sentence.
ReplyDeleteIt's :
Listen to Mullins WITHOUT any Nazi webmaster standing between you and the honest historian.
Also very much worth reading to learn the true nature of the Third Reich and the true nature of Nazism in general :
"Dietrich Bronder + Bevor Hitler Kam PDF"
It is VERBOTEN to mention Dietrich Bronder at any Nazi website.
Bronder -- like Eustace Mullins -- is an honest historian. Bronder is Jewish. An honest Jew. An honest historian.
The Nazi webmasters are friends with the mendacious and obstructionist Jew Kaminski, and detest the honest Jew Dietrich Bronder as they detest the honest Jew Rabbi Antelman.
"Rabbi Antelman"
Good search term to learn more about Nazism. Antelman is an honest Jew as is Bronder.
To take the work of an honest historian -- in this case Eustace Mullins -- distort the historian's work as the Jew Kaminski does, as the Nazi webmasters do, to goad us on to an agenda the honest historian was AGAINST is called "usurpation" NOT "truth-telling".
From : Joe