Voltaire — To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Thursday, August 4, 2016
An American woman was killed and five other people injured in a stabbing attack in London’s Russell Square by a Somali man who was arrested after the incident, authorities said
Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said that the woman who died was a 60-year-old American, and the five injured people are British, American, Israeli and Australian. Two remain in a hospital, while three others have been discharged. The suspect migrated to the United Kingdom in 2002 at about five years old. Police put more officers on London streets after the incident, which came just days after authorities had warned the public to be vigilant in light of attacks inspired by the Islamic State group elsewhere in Europe. Knives are the most common murder weapon in Britain, which has strict gun-control laws. There were 186 knife killings in the year to March 2015, according to government statistics — a third of all murders. In the last three years London has seen two knife attacks by people inspired by radical Islam. In May 2013, two al-Qaida-inspired London men killed off-duty soldier Lee Rigby in the street near his barracks. In January 2016, mentally ill Muhiddin Mire tried to behead a London Underground passenger, shouting that he was doing it "for Syria." The Russell Square incident came within hours of an announcement by London police that they were putting more armed officers on the streets. The idea was to sustain public confidence following attacks by Islamic State-inspired groups in Europe.